orvis access



Dec 9, 2009
I just snapped the tip off of my t3. I called orvis and they offered me the new rod for a 100 dollar charge since they don't make the t3 anymore. I took it and they are giving me a new section for the t3 where i broke it(of course not for free). Just wondered if anyone owns this rod yet or has at least casted it. Its the 9ft 5 wt mid flex
I don't know about the access but I do know that If my T3 broke I would be pissed. I love that rod. It is my work horse for sure.
I have a 904 that replaced a trident tls last year. I like the rod alot! Mine is a mid as well.
So they are fixing the t3 and giving you a new rod for 100?
Not bad.

The access is a nice rod. The name implies that it's a cheapie, but it is relatively expensive and pretty high quality.

I do not like the mid flex, but that's a personal opinion thing.
I have a 7wt tip flex. they are a pretty nice rod and very light weight. i enjoy fishing mine. the only down side I've found is they don't have a hook keeper like most rods.
chrism80 wrote:
the only down side I've found is they don't have a hook keeper like most rods.
Really? Wow, that is a down side.
Use the stripping guide and wrap around the reel. This is how the cool kids do it. :lol:

My leaders are too long to use hook keepers most of the time anyway.
Is that all I have to do to be cool? ;-)Man, all this time.
there is not a hook keeper.....thats a huge down fall for me. Thanks again for the info. I am sure when I get the new piece for my T3 I will us it 100% of the time again. The rod is a work horse but that is how I broke it.
No hook keep is a little bit of a let down. however the wrap around method works just as well. it is one of the lightest rods on the market and nicely made.
The T3 was a 500 some dollar rod so i'm not sure how they have the right to charge you for a lesser model ?
I'm with Fred on this.
I would be upset. I broke my T3 and got a Hydros just as they were coming out with the rod series. T3 was a replacement for a Trident TLS I got on close out '04.
I would not purchase anther Orvis rod because the amount of breakage I have experienced over the years. So far they have replaced or fixed 4, 9' 6wts.
I have a hook keeper! You can always switch to Sage :). That's what I did a few years ago. Still made in USA too.
I have a 10', 5wt, tip flex. So far it's been good. Mine does have a hook keeper.
your rod will have a hook a hook keeper i have the 5wt 10 ' excellent nymphing rod but lacks of course for drys. weighs 2-3/4 OZ so its very light in hand. The butt section looks pretty chunky for a 5wt (most people think its an 8wt ) I really like the rod but i am not versed in high end rods so cheaper rods still feel great for me !
Hmmm i wonder if i was some how shorted my.hook keeper lol.
chris where did you find a 7wt access ? I didn't know they sold one. i thought they jumped from 6wt to 8wt . The 8 & 9 Wt rods are the only 2 that don't have hook keepers as far as i know
Found the 7wt at a local shop. perhaps the heavier weights, they left them off. either way the rod performs how i need it to so can't complain.