


May 16, 2011
well i ordered stuff so i could start fly tying. i got a cheap vice till later i will be getting a more better quality vise. I also got materials to make fly to fish for the stockies in a few weeks. I got a few colors of chenille( well vernille), mcfly foam, and more chenille to make greenie weenie. i want to practice first before i start getting stuff for pts, hares ears and nymphs. Well when i get the stuff i will post some pics of what i have tied. Thanks
pretty reasonable way to enter it. hare's ears and PTs don't really require much, though, so since you'll quickly grow bored of a million different glo bugs and SJWs, shoulda just added 'em in.

word of advise: egg yarn, and presumably mcfly foam, will destroy your scissors' edge in short order. use a cheap pair on your glow bugs and try to cut with the rear part, by the fulcrum, rather than the tips to get life out of 'em.

enjoy your newfound aspect. if you can find a low cost fly tying class, take it up. perhaps a local tu has one? i know our local LL bean store has a very intensive free multi week course on tying, but not all stores have that.
ok thanks, and in like 2 weeks i will be buying the sstuff for nymphs, but thanks i will look into that.
Green weenies are very easy to tie but a great way to start. Gives you practice with tying in thread, thread management, pinch method, tying in materials, wrapping materials, tying a neat head and whip finishing. All these are skills/methods you need to learn regardless of how complex the pattern you're tying is. Have fun!
on what Gfen said, the new course starts on October 18th. Let either of us know if you're interested and we can get you in touch with the instructor. Its in Center Valley/Coopersburg PA
ok, i will look into it but i think its a little to far, and since they are stocking soon i though it would be the best idea to tye flies that cant really be messed up. I think im getting all my stuff Friday or Saturday and will be tying non stop. I always wanted to tye and i will put pics up.
step 1 - to start, wrap thread forward, then wrap it back over itself. Took me a few weeks to figure that one out lol.

step 2 - keep enough thread tension to just barely not break the thread. This will make your flies more durable.

step 3 - When you sit down, tie the same pattern over and over again. Don't got from a green weenie, to an egg, to a sjw, and so on. You'll be able to get used to how everything is tied and improve each one.

step 4 - almost all flies are tied from back to front. Look at the fly in a magazine or a fly you already have and try to copy it. Cover up your thread with materials and DON'T CROWD THE EYE! You need a small amount of room to finish off the fly. Most beginners (and avid fly tyers) forget this.

step 5 - fish your flies with confidence. They may look like crap, but they'll probably catch fish. Keep the first fly you catch a fish on.


p.s. youtube is your friend
ok and i gave been watching alot of videos on youtube and i think i should be able to do these patterns
ryguyfi wrote:
step 1 - to start, put the city you reside in your location so we can direct you to local classes.

p.s. youtube is your friend

everything everyone is saying here is great but what really helped me was this book http://www.amazon.com/Fly-Tiers-Benchside-Reference/dp/1571881263/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1316048740&sr=8-15 although it was not this expensive when i bought it another good book was basic fly tying by poul jorgensen but the pictures and how to's are better explained in the first book another good place for how to's is www.flyanglersonline.com they have stuff for tyers of all skills there