Online count


Sep 9, 2006
Have you ever considered having a count of the most users online at a time? Just wondered since I have noticed some fairly good numbers under "Who's Online". Little while ago there were 14 online.

I know you are having enough problems with the site right now and probably don't what another headache. Just a thought for down the road when you get things running smoothly.

While I'm at it, thanks for the site. Like the layout better than the old site.
I'll have to look for that. The most I have seen has been around 22 one night last month. Then a minute later it was at 4. I think it is fairly accurate.

I'll see what I can do.

Some of my next efforts, after the speed problem, will be getting the Stream Reports Section working as expected and the Old Streams Location Maps.


While you are fiddling with the site, what about the display posts within the threads (Comments Sort Order) "newest first" as a default, since the personal settings don't seem to effect this issue.
No rush on that. It was just an idea I had. Get the site running the way it should before adding the little stuff.

Right now I seeing 25 users online.
