One quick and easy way for a newer tyer to improve!


Active member
Jul 11, 2022
Camillus, NY
A magnet! Yup, a magnet. Here's how it helps you to self-improve your tying. Pick a pattern you'd like to try out either from a video or a book. Tie AT LEAST 10 flies of that pattern. Now compare each of your ties to the picture of a completed fly and choose the one that you tied that best represents what you think is the best match. Now here is where the magnet comes in - stick the magnet on your vise (the base or on the clamp (depending on the type vise you have, or on a flat spot on the top of your vise) and stick the chosen fly on it. Now tie at least 10 more flies using your chosen fly as your template. At first, you'll take this chosen fly and compare it, step-by-step to the one that you are tying. You'll match the length and thickness of the material you are adding as well as it's position on the hook to the chosen fly. After a while you'll be able to just eye what you are tying to the fly on the magnet. By tying at least 10 flies you will be developing your tying eye as well as your small muscle memory. This will lead you to a more consistent tying on the pattern. And a lack of consistency of tying one fly the same as all the others is a common challenge for newer tyers.

I hope that this helps.

Great idea, Kim!

I keep a cheap welding magnet on the base of my vice to manage hooks. I don't drop as many on the floor that way when I pull out a dozen to tie.
I do the same! I host fly swaps on a few sites (as well as participating) and I'll de-barb my hooks before tying the allotted number of flies for that swap. Even after 50+ years tying I'll still use the magnet the first few times I'm tying a new pattern.
