One more Brookie TR



Active member
Apr 7, 2009
Maryland Piedmont
It’s been awhile (a long while) since posting some content. So for better or worse here it goes, some more Brookie fishing content.

I recently had a new Brookie rod made for me and have been haunting my local brookie cricks with it.

A 6’ 3wt 2 pc bamboo beauty that casts a tight loop or roll cast with ease.

On one of my recent outings I met my Dad and after a nutritious breakfast we headed up a local state forest road until we could drive not further.

We hiked in ways in order to work off the cream chip beef & toast

This spot looked as good as any

This spot looked even better

This guy agreed

Dad working the “bridge?” hole. A definite candidate for much needed infrastructure improvement.

Passed by some flora and dead fauna on the way back to the truck.

truck hood strategizing and rehydration

Obligatory rod pic

Hopefully the water levels will hold and we can get a few more weeks in of chasing Brookies

Cheers Fellas

Love this!!!
Nice rod and pics. Enjoy!
Very nice. The two gemmie photos were well balanced by all of the other pics of scenery, streams, beer, a deer skull, a beautiful rod and what must have been an epic breakfast. Try to add a coiled rattlesnake the next time and it will be perfect.

#captainnative - take note. lol
Very nice pictures and story.
Nice, but I'd have ordered the country-fried steak.
I wonder what the ratio is for:

wrecked footbridges still scattered along PA trout streams / footbridges that you can actually walk across

I think I've seen more of the former than the latter.

Floods happen.

I agree with your observation, TB.

Large Woody Debris!!

Nice report, I enjoyed it.
Nice, but I'd have ordered the country-fried steak.
Agree! One of my favorites but it's always a chance unless you know the place. Some places just can't make it right
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Nice, but I'd have ordered the country-fried steak.
Agree! One of my favorites but it's always a chance unless you know the place. Some places just can't make it right

Texas Roadhouse has the best chicken-fried steak I've found.
I also like Cracker Barrel's and manheim diners.
Since you country fried burnt i will try Texas Roadhouse.
IDK guys.
I grew up in upstate NY and I've never seen country fried anything on a breakfast menu.
I'm very partial to corn beef hash though
Not sure if that's a yankee thing

No offense to country frying
Ain't Yankees in NY too? ;-)
Well "Between Paoli and Penn Hills, Pennsylvania is Alabama...".

Sal, I apologize for spot-burning steak... nobody should have to eat burnt steak. I'll try Cracker Barrel's chicken-fried steak the next time I'm there.
I'm going to be that guy again: this page took me a full two minutes to display.
Sucks to have dial up.......
Wonderful pictures along the stream. Love fishing the back country!Nice rod, who was the maker?
JJZ wrote:
Wonderful pictures along the stream. Love fishing the back country!Nice rod, who was the maker?

A part time maker out of North Carolina. He's quite an artist when it comes to making bamboo rods.

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