One last fish



Jun 1, 2007
My wife and I got out one last time last evening. Today is her ninth month of pregnancy. Too my surprise when I got home from work she asked if I was up for a small fish. Heck Yah. With all the rain we hit a really small stream just over the mountain from me. This time of year the stream is usually really low and the fish are in the banks and in a few of the larger holes. I've been fishing the stream for 15 years now and in the spring you can catch 50 in a day. Mostly brookies with the accasional brown. I've caught brooks up to 12" and browns up to 16". About 3 years ago someone stocked the stream. I didn't fish it late last year so I don't know if they stocked it last year or not but we caught about a dozen stockers last night. The stream is not class A but it holds alot of fish for its size. I don't know who is stocking it but its not the state. It wasn't stocked in April and I don't know why someone would stock such a small stream with so many natives late in the year. We still caught plenty of native brooks and wild browns in the running water but every hole that had good depth was full of stockers. I wish I had a stringer with me but I told my brother to get up there and get the stockers out. Is there any way to find out who stocks it and who would I get in touch with to express my feelings about this. I only know a few people who fish the stream and we are all rather upset about this. Any way, it was a great fish for my wife and it helped her relax a bit. Its been 2 months for her and I really wanted to get a picture but she wouldn't let me. It's not everyday you run into a female fly fisher, and I don't think you see to many woman out who are 9 months pregnant. I married a trooper.
Well if its on private land, check with the landowner about the stocking. Don't take an attitude, just be inquisitive. If it is public land, check with the care taker, (township, state, etc)

best of luck to you and your wife with the reminds me of the time I had my wife rowing me around in a twelve foot row boat while I fished for bass. She was 8 months along.
The stream is on state game lands. So I guess i need to contact the state.
Better hang on to that lady, she seems special. Hope you have a happy birth experience, Good Luck!
MATTD Isn't your wife pregnant with twins? Wow, you sure married a good one. Better get that fishing in now because you are likely to have your hands full with the baby or babies.

This reminds me of when I knew my wife was "the one"---> I stalled our car driving in a two foot flood and she and I had to push the car to drier land and then walk a 1/4 mile to a restuarant. My wife laughed the entire way to the restuarant and was splashing me with water the entire way.
No, just one. I think it may have been Matt Boyer having the twins. Not sure about that but I know someone here is having twins. Don't think my wife would make it if she was having twins. She is definately a keeper. Fishing is actually what got us together!! Our first date was a hike along Toms run at Pine Grove Furnace and the rest is history. I am a blessed man. 3 days of our honeymoon was devoted to flyfishing in the smokies. We had a stream right in front of the cabin. Could almost cast it from the hot tub. You know you have it good when your wife bugs you to get out on the creek. Usually its the other way around. I'm sure it will be a while till I get back out but it sure was a great to get out last night. I'm naming my boy Bryson after Bryson City,NC, where we spent our honeymoon. Can't wait till he is old enough to take him down there.
Actually, it's my wife who's having twins. She's 32 weeks along. I checked, and no, she doesn't want to go fishing.

She might be up for sitting next to a stream.
Yep, Ian's having the twins. I'm doing my civic dude duty to get him out as often as I can until the big day arrives.

Boyer posted about his new addition to the family.... His dog.

Unless there's something he's not telling me. :)

I think it's really great that you found someone to share your passion. Seriously. It's awesome.

One quick question though.

Am I the only one who doesn't really care if my girl wouldn't want to fish? I mean, I know I'm young and still haven't found "the one", but fishing is something I'd like to do alone or with my guy friends... I also feel this way about beer, football, farting, and being immature. I liken it to George Costanza's "worlds theory" for the Seinfeld fans out there.
WOW, I cant even imagine having twins. Are they your first? Do you know what your having? Today is my wifes 37 week so it could be anyday now. I wouldn't think your wife would be up for fishing being that far along with 2 babies in the belly. Good luck with the twins and hopefully you can share your fishing experiances with them. I can't wait.
Im sure your not the only one who feels that way. There is many benefeits to having a wife that loves to fish though. When we plan vacations fishing plays a big role. Next vacation is going to be in Maine. Just don't know how soon that will be. Also, the chances of taking getting out are a lot better. I don't have to worry about ending up in a Brad Paisley song. She still lets me out with the boys every now and then and if she gets sick of me she sends me out on my own.
That's fair, matt.

For what it's worth....

My long time girlfriend left me the day I got home from the Jam... So perhaps my approach is flawed!


"Oh lookie here. another bite!"

what a song.
ian brown from Glenside eh? I grew up in Glenside, is Ian Brown your real name?

I'm 28 btw, so you could be much older or younger, just curious, good luck with the twins man!
26 years ago I took my wife out on our first date. At the time I earned extra money flying checks and freight while building flight hours.

I took her flying on our first date and went out and did the normal "this is your house" flight. Then I went out and flew some simple aerobatics to show off. At the top of a loop I looked over at her as we were hanging upside down in the straps, her long brown hair hanging around the headset, and she had a HUGE grin on her face. I knew right there and then that I was going to marry her because she didn't barf in the plane! True story.

Now 26 years later as we approach our 25th anniversary in October, I have 1 son in college and 1 on his way there in a year. I am looking at having 8-9 months with no fishing partner and have told my wife now she HAS to go fishing with me.

It boils down to this (in my opinion - your mileage may vary): I don't like fishing alone. I LIKE being with my wife. I listen to her play the piano, lug packages in the mall, heck I even go grocery shopping with her. At least she can put on the waders and boots (Thanks Matt) and carry the camera. Oh she can cast, tie on her own fly and isn't afraid to touch a fish, she's just not addicted to it.

She'll allow us to plan trips to allow a day of fishing, but someday I hope to convert her into a fanatic.

However, every time we pass an airport, she grins and mentions our first date!
mattd - These are the first and second, and we're having a boy and a girl. The Dr. measured her stomach today, and said she's about the size of a woman two weeks overdue. At least one of them is going to fish with me.

Timmyt - That's my real name (fyi - if you google it, I'm neither a british soccer player nor the lead singer for the Stone Roses). I'm thirty, but I didn't grow up in Glenside. We've only lived here for two years. Did you live in Abington or Cheltenham?
Wow, for a second there, I thought I accidentally logged onto a dating service. :lol:

Instead of risking leaving someone out … Congratulations to all the expecting families.
Ian, Good luck with the twins, Matt good luck with the baby and Congratulations. My wife and I just had our twin girls (our first as well) a month ago and let me tell you that they are a handful. Get your fishing in while you can because once they arrive your free time will be limited for a while but it's well worth it. :-D

I know I get along w/ my wife better when I'm fishing! She's gone out w/ me a few times and reads a book. No interest in fishing though and she doesn't really care about my angling addiction. "Better on the stream than a barstool!" I always tell her. As for the kids, my daughter is 18 months old and she hasn't slowed my fishing down too much. I just have to plan my trips on my wife's days off, and let her go shopping for her sanity relief.
Glad to hear that you were able to find time to get out on the water mattd. Good luck to you with the baby.

Ian_brown, good luck to you as well. Looks like you'll both have your hands full for a while. That's a great time to tie flys though

If they develop any interest in fishing, just make sure to raise them right and give them a fly rod :lol:

I grew up in the Abington part, right near the ardsley train station
When I was single, I dated a girl that fly fished with me.
I thought then, man, this girl really is the one!
But I quickly learned that wasn't really the case.
She turned out to be a real pain in the a$$ to fish with.
Always accusing me of hogging the better spots, and not giving her the good flies to use, which wasn't true at all. She just had a lot to learn about fly fishing, but of course, she wouldn't admit it.
Anyway, we went together about 2 years before it ended - but not because of fishing.
After that experience, I wasn't really looking for a girl that fly fished. I like it a lot better with the guys or on my own.
I've been married to my wife for 13 years now - she has no interest in it at all, - and that's fine with me!