One Dolla

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date


Active member
Sep 9, 2006

"Waterways conservation officers will be out in full force throughout the state."

All 3 of them!

Just a heads up for anyone you might know that normally doesnt fish but wants to try.
I made the executive decision to stay home and tie bc I fear this weekend will be a free for all.... This only confirms that
4-day weekend..THEN I'm on vacation. That's how you plan.
I like your thinking,Tom. GG
Maybe the fish commission needs a new marketing person. Stupid idea. Make it free or just forget it. Fishing sucks anyway.
I thought the stupid part was doing it last minute myself.
Should have marketed this months ago.
If you make them pay a buck, they have to pay for it. Probably online. Now you have a new name and address to market. Thats all thats about. Nothing else.
For every license purchased the fish commissions gets ~$5 in federal funds from Pittman Robinson act i believe.
I would love to see how many of these licenses get sold.
My wife is going to get one to fish with me :)
Likely not many will sell.
lycoflyfisher wrote:
For every license purchased the fish commissions gets ~$5 in federal funds from Pittman Robinson act i believe.

Good point ^

Dingell-Johnson is the Fed fishing fund (Pittman-Robinson is for hunting) and the State gets federal funds based on fishing license sales.
Yes, Afish and Lyco, that’s really what that small price tag is about beyond just encouraging people to fish or try fishing.