On the board early 2021!



Well-known member
Mar 23, 2014
I think the combination of COVID and the holidays was stressing my wife and me (mainly her). She said "You really need to go fishing!"

That's a good thing, right? ;-)

So, I went to a wild trout stream in NEPA that I've fished a fair amount over the last 15 years. Last time I fished it I got blanked. It seemed "off". Maybe the new home construction at its headwaters had a negative impact. After a few more failed trips there, I kinda lost my desire for it.

That was three years ago.

Yesterday, I was curious about things on this stream. I figured I'd have a few hours to test it out, then bail to an alternate stream if needed.

I arrived at 1 PM and hiked in about a mile to some pools I know. It was a little breezy and about 40 degrees. No complaints. It didn't take long to land my first wild brown of 2021. That's not a bad start at all! Since I was in a mood to explore, I used my favorite smallie fly. It's supposed to be an impressionist crayfish fly with a bit of wiggle, lots of flowing movement, and a bit of orange to attract attention. The trout approved.

In about 2.5 hours I landed 3 (the big one below and two that were about 14" each) and moved a 10" brown and an 8" brookie

A good start to 2021...

One of the other two landed.

The fly of choice (not just for smallies anymore):

Nice work Mike
Thanks, Andy.