Old member new handle


Frederick V. C.

Active member
May 16, 2022
So after trying more than a few times to recover my old sign in; (Van_cleaver) bit the bullet and started a new account as Frederick V.C. Love trout fishing fast water, and lake fishing for pan fish. Tight lines to all!
Yo Fred - glad to hear from you. I always like to read your posts and was wondering why you had not been on. Glad you are up and about.
Yo Fred - glad to hear from you. I always like to read your posts and was wondering why you had not been on. Glad you are up and about.
Thanks Les, up and about is great for me. Dealing with some serious health issues has really cut into my fishing time. That said I'm thankful for every chance to go out; even though it's been almost all local trips. On the plus side my doctor cleared me for kayak fishing on lakes so looking forward to that.