Ok, now this is dry!

Based on the 1st graph you really need a sinking line, huh?
John :lol:
tomgamber wrote:
The first graph LOOKS like a sinking line...

That real sharp drop off on the First Fork gauge is probably because of the dam's operations.

Things in NC PA are definitely low. The Young Womans Creek gauge is at 1.6 cfs. I fished it one time when the flow was 70 cfs, and that was a nice fishing level, and it would have still been very fishable even quite a bit higher than that. 1.6 cfs is pretty close to OFF for YWC.
Well at least the Lehigh Valley streams got a small shot of water. If you watched the weather radar of the last few days it's interesting how the low sat over the middle of the state and the percipitation circled around it just missing the areas in most need. Anyway enough in Allentown to intice me to visit the LL tomorrow.
theres a few streams here that have DRy lower ends...Not sure if the wild fish will spawn.. :-?
Based on the median flow that's pretty bad.
I was at my cabin this weekend which is on the First Fork above Costello. It's that bad that I didn't even think about fishing it once I saw it. I've never seen it so low. I couldn't believe the number of ponds in the area that were dried up as well. It is a pretty sad site. I hope they get some rain in the next 2 weeks for my annual fall turkey/trout fishing trip.
Is it legal to destroy a beaver dam? Those little bastards built a dam that is affecting the flow of the stream. I didn't do anything to it this weekend because I didn't know the legal ramifications if I was caught.