Oil Creek updates

  • Thread starter Bill Weinheimer
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Bill Weinheimer

New member
Apr 7, 2023
Can anyone tell me if the grannoms have started on Oil Creek yet?
The hatch usually starts within a week after the Neshanock Cr. hatch.
So you could pay attention to Neshannock Creek Outfitters stream reports.
Also, look for when the nighttime temperatures stay above freezing.
They started last weekend. Lots of them!!
Will be in Volant/ Grove city this weekend with my wife. Will probably get an hour or two to fish, probably Saturday on either side of dinner. Should I hit the DHALO because it's easy or is there a direction from Volant I might enjoy more. Only ever been there once like 25 years ago.
Will be in Volant/ Grove city this weekend with my wife. Will probably get an hour or two to fish, probably Saturday on either side of dinner. Should I hit the DHALO because it's easy or is there a direction from Volant I might enjoy more. Only ever been there once like 25 years ago.
Almost any bridge access that looks good will be. There are likely to be far fewer guys fishing the general refs. The dhalo keystone area is a zoo. There's slso several PAFBC access points. The Neshannock falls stretch and the Maitland lane access are nice with plenty of interesting water to fish.
Cool, thanks. Just because we're staying in Grove city, I was thinking NE of Volant as the road follows the creek but there's a lot of water to the SW. Maybe we'll drive a little of each and decide.
Fished oil creek yesterday.
Saw Grannoms on the lower part of the river in the outskirts of Oil city.
But nothing rising anywhere that I checked around there.
Moved up stream toward the park, and saw nothing around the bridge upstream of Rouseville

Hung around Petroleum Center, then up to Millers Farm most of the afternoon
Very little if any bugs at either place

Finally wound up at Drakes Well, where there were a few Grannoms flying around.
Just a enough to induce a rise here and there.
Ended up catching a handful of fish, including a nice palomino right above a the trestle there

Really odd thing about that - the first time it took, he jumped at least 3 feet out of the water and snapped my 5x.
Checked that same spot again a few hours later at at dusk, and he was back to rising a bit.
And I finally managed to hook and land him
Would think he'd be somewhat smarter now!

Not sure what to think about the Grannoms.
Guessing they're about over there.
But odd that they seemed to be heaviest on the lower part of the creek.....
I fished the park that day from 7 till 11.
Hatch was 9 till 10. Fish rose till 11.
Lower or upper end?
I didn't get up there until after noon.
Guess I missed the main emergence.
Still odd to not see any flying around or in the bushes............
The hatch wasn't major but enough to get fish looking up. That stiff south wind seemed to shut things down.
I fished low around Columbia Farm.
A friend fished Sat morning above petroleum before the rain. He did well.