Oil Creek Flies



New member
Aug 12, 2007
I'm planning on fishing Oil Creek for the first time next weekend (11/5). Does anyone have suggestions of what I should be tying?

Nice to hear from another Ohio guy.

Nymphs- Eggs, Pink San Juan Worms, Zebra Midge, small PT nymphs.

Drys- Black Midge, BWO's
OHFlyfisher wrote:
I'm planning on fishing Oil Creek for the first time next weekend (11/5). Does anyone have suggestions of what I should be tying?
Creek is up a bit so don't forget some streamers in size 6-8 range. WB as well. I don't fish oil creek but some of it's tribs and I always have the best sucess when water is high w streamers and wb. Add some weight to them so they are near the bottom. Don't be afraid of a little split shot as well. I do best w streamers that are dark olive w a little flash in them Wb in dark olive and brown w flash in tail as well.
Have fun,
Thanks to you both for the tips.
OHFlyfisher wrote:
Thanks to you both for the tips.
No prob. Post some picts of what you catch.:) I am headed up to Elk creek tomorrow for a few hours of fishing.