Official fly of the White House



Jun 25, 2008
I'm sure many of you heard about our president's recent outing to the Gallatin River. History & news buffs might enjoy the irony that Swiss-born Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin's political career was riddled with questions about his citizenship, too.

Here's a fly designed to commemorate the president's foray into fly fishing.
One variation on that needed. (Have a sense of humor, I like our Prez:)

I'm surprised no one came up with the obvious one:

The Pink Deceiver

I voted for Obama, so I'm joking. Just trying to steal the thunder from the other side. :)
Why not the Patriot?
The Pink Deceiver hahahahahaha. Awesome Jack.

HAHAHAHA. You guys are hilarious.

My wife and her mother would love this.

I on the other am non partial at this point. I just think it's funny.
I woulda thought the pattern would include jungle cock. Buh da boom! :-D

You know because of his vision and the way jungle cock represents eyes......
OK, I'm thick....I don't get the irony of the fly Jack presented. Sumbuddy wanna splain it ta me??
The commie fly?? haha
It's a pupa-- in pink!
How about a mosquito it's also a blood sucker.
For you Lou.


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You even left the barb on it so won't come out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You make me look like a beginner. Nice fly.
Wow, i thought that was a real fly at first scroll through
goofus bug