Off Topic - PETA Screw up



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Anybody hear about this screw up PETA made? Apparently they scathed a church for using live animals in a "living nativity scene". Only to find out later that the only living things were the people.

You have to read the's pretty funny.

Shoot first, ask questions later
Shows how screwed up PETA is. I'm surprised they still allow animals as pets.
If you guys ever watch the show South Park they did a pretty funny eppisode on PETA
With comments like this from PETA, they shouldn't have to pay the Southpark writers:

"Those animals are subject to all sorts of terrible fates in some cases," Vergerio said. "Animals have been stolen and slaughtered, they've been raped :-o , they've escaped from the nativity scenes and have been struck by cars and killed. Just really unfathomable things have happened to them."

This Southpark episode writes itself! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
People Eating Tasty Animals...I love PETA!
live2fish wrote:
I'm surprised they still allow animals as pets.

How oppressive!!! Do you now the emotional scars involved with being someones pet!!!! That's awful!!! Now if you'll excuse me I must go and sift the turds and clumps of urine from the box of granular clay and refill my cat's water dish...