Off Topic - Before It's Too Late



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
Just want to say: How about them Buccos?

The UNDEFEATED #1 Pirates hold a commanding one game lead over their next closest rival in the NL Central division. :-D
Based on what I am seeing out the window...I wonder if that "cold day in hell" thing applies here. :lol:
AWESOME> especially after last year! Been following the Buccos, since Rosy Roswell {Raise The Window Aunt Minny) Used to have them on the radio of my Uncles 1936 5 window coupe Ford when fishing where Benner Springs Hatchery is now, no hatchery then and fewer fishermen. That was in the 40s
14 years since we had a winning season.
Bruno wrote:
14 years since we had a winning season.

Seems a lot longer. At this point, without more revenue sharing and salary caps, being over .500 is about what we can hope for it seems. But I guess you never know.
Yes, it's a very nice start, although i don't think the astros are a very good team.
I'm not going to get too crazy of them just yet though.
I remember a few years ago - they started out 6 or 7 and 0 at the beginning of the season - and still wound up something like 20 games below 500.
But it does look like maybe that losing streak can finally end this year

I said the same thing to a friend at work today. I told him "I may never get to say this again this year, so I will say it now. The Pirites are in first place. Best record in the Major league!"
dryflyguy wrote:
Yes, it's a very nice start, although i don't think the astros are a very good team.
I'm not going to get too crazy of them just yet though.
I remember a few years ago - they started out 6 or 7 and 0 at the beginning of the season - and still wound up something like 20 games below 500.
But it does look like maybe that losing streak can finally end this year

The Pirates are 3-0 for the first time since winning their first four in 2003, for the third time since 1984.
JackM wrote:
Bruno wrote:
14 years since we had a winning season.

Seems a lot longer. At this point, without more revenue sharing and salary caps, being over .500 is about what we can hope for it seems. But I guess you never know.

Jason Bay was 14 years old.
I too think there should be a strictly enforced salary cap, but not neccessarily revenue sharing. With the current structure though, increased revenue sharing would help.

However, this isn't the total picture. The Minnesota Twins have put together some great ballclubs despite one of the crummiest facilities in all of baseball, and a small market. Will they be able to keep Santana,Mornau and Mauer for the next decade, probably not, but they have been competitive and I predict they will continue to be.

Pittsburgh has one of the neatest parks going, a great downtown location and should not have too much trouble selling tickets, they should be able to afford a higher payroll but the ownership must be too cheap.

The current system in baseball is one of the most flawed, if not the most, in all of US pro sports. That being said, the Yankee's have not won a World Series with the highest payroll, the Mets have spent zillions over the last 5 years with only last years Division title to show for it and the Phillies followes suit under Ed Wade with horrendous contracts and zero return.

The Pirates fans should demand more. If they booed like Philly Fans, threw batteries like Philly Fans and threated the lives of players and ownership like Philly fans maybe you guys would be over .500!

Just my RANT as the my Phil's sit 0-3.

Without the benefit of caps and broader revenue sharing the Pirate ownership business plan does not include spending more on salaries, because they still wouldn't have enough to become much more competitive and they would lose money because of the spending. In short, under the current plan, teams like the Pirates make more money by buying questionable and unproven talent that is cheap, and unless it falls together before the rising stars are free agents, they just continue to play mediocre ball at best. This could be the year they get lucky, and that's all we've been able to hope for for the past couple decades.
You guys should be here in Philly. We started 0-3 and those people not jumping off bridges are already calling for the manager's head.
Oh c'mon...these are the people who booed Santa Clause...I pay no attention to them and neither do sports teams any matter how much they whine...they still fill stadiums...
Well we had to go and jinx them by talking them up here, and they came back to earth last night in cincinnati - what in the world are they doing playing a baseball game in 25 degree temps anyway?

But they can't keep using our small market status as an excuse for all the losing. As someone else mentioned, the Twins have remained very competitive. And the Florida Marlins - who I believe have the worst attendence in the league - have won 2 world championships. So, it can be done, with good management.
If the Pirates don't win this year, I think the general manager will finally get fired
The Florida Marlins and good management. Now there's an interesting situation. As I recall, they won a championship, and then gutted the team the next year. And last year the coach wins coach of the year and then gets fired. And there's nothing more aggravating than teams with little fan interest winning or playing in championships. Especially fairly new expansion teams, and more especially hockey teams from south of the Mason Dixon, with little fan interest. But that comes from a bitter, whining Philadelphia fan, who, along with 100 million other fans since 1945 partook in every documented-to-adnauseum display of distasteful fan behavior that ever existed. Yes, every one of us booed Santa Clause and poor Donovan McNabb. And no fans in any other city ever did or do anything like that. Ever. At least that's what the lazy media, who found a story line and is sticking to it, would have everybody believe. Sorry, I'm in a bad mood. The Flyers suck, the Phillies don't have a bullpen, and winter has returned!
Gotta love my Redbirds!! First sweep of the season.

(Sorry if I offended any bucs fans, but when you grow up in St. Louis you will always be a Cards fan no matter where you live.)

Seems it was a lot better and probably set a bettter example for the kids, when Clemente, was a Pirate, Dimaggio was a Yankee, Musial was a Cardinal FOREVER!!! Heck these days it is impossible to keep up with who is playing for who.
Not always LJ. For example, when I say Barry Bonds will be in Pittsburg this weekend, we all know who he is and what team he plays for, especially the Pirates fans. :-D

Seriously though, I agree with you LJ. And lets not forget about guys like Johney Bench, Pete Rose (as a player), and that guy who played third base for the Phillies. :-D. It's just a shame many of the current memorable players like Bonds will be remembered for the wrong things.

P.S. I was talking about Mike Schmidt, not Puddin head.
Yeah, Pete Rose will always be remembered as one of the all time great Phillies. :-D
Good points FarmerDave, I remember when Jackie Robinson broke in, as a kid we thought nothing of that but just thought he was a great ball player as Sugar Ray Robinson and Joe Louis were great fighters. I think back then when a guy stayed with one team it set an examplle of team effort and team loyalty to kids, instead of everything being ruled by the mighty dollar. I don't rmember anything about players salarys being discussed, but of course that was before TV influenced everything.