Octoraro creek



Active member
Jan 16, 2012
Hi, whats a better place to start out with ff the Octoraro creek. If i'm heading up stream is it better to park at the Alexander Kink park, or start at puseyville rd at the bridge. Heading there this week. Thanks all.
I don't think the FFO goes down that far. Since the PFBC site is not showing stocking anymore I'm not 100% sure. There is a left off of Puseyville Road before crossing the bridge, but it eventually goes away from the creek pretty quickly. The lower limit may only be a quarter mile or so below the bridge. I have never fished down below because I thought upstream of the bridge looked better. It's in a bit of a gorge the whole way up to the upper limit.
The lower end of the FFO area is described as being 230 yards upstream of the 2nd unnamed tributary below the Puseyville Road. That is pretty far upstream of the Alexander King Nature Preserve. If you park at the SGL parking area by the Puseyville Road you can access upstream (into the woods - eventually the gorge) or you can go downstream which is primarily meadow type of fishing. I haven’t been down through the meadow section in years - but I used to fish it pretty frequently. I have no idea what the stocking looked like this year as far as what areas received fish on the West Branch of the Octararo. Good luck.
Thank you all. You have given me a pretty good idea. Thanks again.