Oak Orchard NY Area Fishing Nov 6-10



Well-known member
Jul 7, 2015
Butler Co home, Forest Co camp
We went on our annual trip this week. In past years we would spend almost the entire trip on Oak Orchard creek but this year creek conditions caused us to mix things up. Our friends had fished the previous week and they headed home as we were in route so they gave us some advice about trying different locations that worked out fairly well. We knew this week would yield inconsistent results due to the soaking the area took previously.

On Saturday, after checking into our room we set out about 2pm to check Johnson Creek and Sandy Creek. We decided to fish Sandy Creek after checking several places that we knew we could access. Many people had the same idea and the public area closest to the lake had 15 vehicles and all public access points had vehicles. So we chose a place we had never been to. The water was up and off color but we expected this to be a good thing and hoped a lot of fish to be present. We never had a strike and saw no fish activity. At night our motel was full.

Sunday we decided to try 18 mile creek near Olcott. Due to the deer activity we tried to drive during daylight hours so we missed the bite at sunrise. When we arrived the lot was half full (a welcome sight). Where we fished there were more kings than browns. Most kings were still fresh (a big surprise). I caught both males and hens that were spewing milt and eggs respectively. Conditions were a little muddy. I caught 3 browns and a king before 10am then it got a little slow but the kings were still active if that was your goal. My goal was to track down some friends that I hadn’t seen in a few years. In the process of searching I was surprised to only see 15 in U at the dam at noon and only 5 in U at 130pm. After catching up with my friends I landed a few more kings before we quit for the day.

Monday was our Oak Orchard day. When we arrived at 715am there were only 25 vehicles parked at the Archers club. Compared to last year, when every fishable inch was occupied by huge crowds as Covid related unemployment was in full swing, the stream now looked barren. The water level was high and a little off color. I went to the best brown trout location I knew of and soon folks began picking up browns. I’m usually confined to a small piece of Real Estate but on this day on my side of the creek I had about 60 yards of stream I could work top to bottom and repeat. I didn’t pick a good fly until about the 4th pass (same fly that caught browns on 18 mile the day before). Caught 2 on first 5 casts then hooked another brown that I lost. That would be it for me and eventually I found a buddy who was taking a picture with a king. I hadn’t realized it but folks at the dam chose to lower the water level without sounding the alarm. The drop in water level exposed the kings and had them seeking pools with more depth. In the chaos I caught a king. Mid afternoon was spent catching up with friends and later afternoon I found myself alone on my side of the creek in my favorite hole where I caught 2 browns and lost a few kings and a brown. The browns and kings do mix but generally one or the other has a significant majority interest in that stretch so being able to identify the difference between a brown spot and a king spot is helpful. When the evening bite concluded there were about 20 people in sight and I saw about 15 browns hooked, 3-4 kings and 1 Atlantic (it made some nice leaps). I never saw a steelhead caught at any point on this trip.

I think the poor stream reports had caused many people to cancel their trips and may be rightfully so since fishing was pretty tough. Our motel had about 20 units and only about 3 were occupied from Sunday to Wednesday morning.

Tuesday we went back to 18 mile since it’s easier for the old timers I fish with to get to the fish. It was a King Salmon bonanza. My father had fished for 3 days without a hookup but he had 8 hookups on Tues. our other buddy had a dozen hookups. Equally important, they made some new friends streamside and exchanged flies. There were many reports of small browns (15-18”). People caught them and others saw them traveling together upstream in groups as large as 10. Kings were enticing and cooperative but most people were concerned by the lack of browns. Based on the size of the fish caught (browns and kings), 2021 was a good summer on Lake O since the fish were heavy for their length especially the browns. I ended up with 7 Kings and 1 brown on Tue.

Wednesday would be a short day with us heading home at 11am. We snuck out early and arrived around 7am with 23 vehicles in the lot at Fishermsn’s Park. My dad and buddy wanted to catch browns so I took them to the best spot that they could get to but none of us landed one. Our buddy began getting crowded out of his BT spot so he bailed and went back to a King spot and hooked 7-8. Everyone fishing close to us hooked a brown, but numbers were very low for this time of year.

The gold medal on this trip was awarded to the wife of a fellow from Donora (Pittsburgh) who I met streamside. He told me his wife had been with him all week and she sat in the car all day waiting for his return. I saw her 2 different days and was wondering what she was up to. A truly understanding and accommodating woman.

Everyday we heard people were heading to Sandy but we never heard of any fish being caught. I’m curious if that was the best kept secret of the week or the biggest disappointment to everyone that tried.
Far from experienced in those parts but salmon are or used to be a September and October thing. So like the leaves maybe this is becoming more normal. I’m sure today will be a zoo cause of vets day and decent weather.
Just curious what was the size of the browns you were catching? I'm seeing a lot of smaller football shaped browns. I actually canceled my trip up there because of the high waters plus I had a lot of stuff to do around the house.
acristickid wrote:
Far from experienced in those parts but salmon are or used to be a September and October thing. So like the leaves maybe this is becoming more normal. I’m sure today will be a zoo cause of vets day and decent weather.
Your timing is correct. Can start as early as last week in Sept (the big King on my wall was caught around Sept 25 in 1988) but there seems to be a water temperature element that I don’t fully understand either. There were dead kings around but not as many as last year when the King run was more normal.
bigjohn58 wrote:
Just curious what was the size of the browns you were catching? I'm seeing a lot of smaller football shaped browns. I actually canceled my trip up there because of the high waters plus I had a lot of stuff to do around the house.
The browns are very wide sided this year especially the females so the photos may be misleading. I didn’t take many pictures because I tended to be by myself however looking at the photos they did not do the fish justice. Many were well over 10 lbs. With those wide sides and weight I couldn’t turn them like years past. The fight took so long I released several without measuring (I only carry a tape). Mine were all 26”-29” with a couple of the larger ones going unmeasured (not saying they were bigger but they could have been same range or bigger). I probably caught one in 24” range. I did see 4-5 caught that were in the 15” range. I netted a male for a guy from Poland and I taped it at 30”. It was your typical male. I’ll try to post a few photos.
Prospector wrote:
I did see 4-5 caught that were in the 15” range. I netted a male for a guy from Poland

sto lat, mój przyjaciel.

You're in the heart of NY's Little Poland.
Here are some photos of the fish. Like I mentioned above, I think if you would see these fish without any reference the browns actually look short. I noticed that as I looked at my photos at the end of each day. I wish I would have had the ability to get their weight

28 inch Hen Brown1 --- for reference the net handle is 13.5'
28 inch Hen Brown2 --- for reference the rod butt to front of grip is 13"


  • 28 inch Hen Brown1.JPG
    28 inch Hen Brown1.JPG
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  • 28 inch Hen Brown2.JPG
    28 inch Hen Brown2.JPG
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  • 29 inch Male Brown.JPG
    29 inch Male Brown.JPG
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  • 9 pound Male Brown.jpg
    9 pound Male Brown.jpg
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  • Fresh King with Milt spewing.jpg
    Fresh King with Milt spewing.jpg
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