Nymph Question, and Valley Creek Report



Dec 17, 2008
Hi guys-

Went out to Valley Creek yesterday evening. There were some dark colored caddis, but few risers. Water was high and muddy, I guess there had been a storm recently. I tried a copper john, a small bead head pheasant tail, and a caddis dry fly with no luck. Then I tied on a bead head flashback hare's ear, and caught four in fairly quick succession out of a riffle. The fish appeared to be holding in a relatively small area of stream and I guess I got lucky and found it. I am trying to attach pics of the two nicer ones out of the four. They were fighters! It was a lot of fun, and a nice reward for my second trip to Valley.

Now here's my question: what bug, or bugs, does a flash back hare's ear represent? I think I read somewhere that some insects really do have the "flash" appearance. And more generally, what do the standard nymphs imitate - I'm thinking HE, PT, Prince, Copper John. My vague sense is that PTs represent mayfly nymphs, CJs don't represent anything in particular (generic attractor nymphs), and HE imitates caddis larvae. But that may be completely wrong. Also, given that nymphing is fast becoming my go-to technique, what other nymphs should I be carrying besides those four?
Could be the bubble that forms when the exoskeleton begins to shed, or it could just be a little bit of somethin' somethin' that catches the fishes eye and makes them interested.

Who knows?
Nice fish for valley creek.

The "dead fish" thread in the general forum discusses the high water, and a potential fish kill. Did you see any dead ones?

I drove by yesterday afternoon and saw a few fishermen. Looked like tough conditions, but I like to fish it when it's high.

Flashback nymphs represent the early emergent stages. As for generics, you can basically pick your favorites. If the fly has a name that more than two people have heard, odds are it's a fish catcher.
nice fish! was this the Valley Creek in Valley Forge Nat'l Park? If so, those are HUGE! As for nymphs, I like Zebra Midges, Ian's Brass ***, as well as Al's Rat. But, like Jay said, if you've heard of it, it'll probably catch you some fish