NW TU Meeting- with Commissioner Mascharka



Well-known member
May 9, 2011
Came across this today:


Seems like a great opportunity for the people in the nw area of the state to voice their opinions on various topics.

From the NW PA Chapter of Trout Unlimited:

"Important Meeting April 21st: Commissioner Mascharka to speak and field questions

This will be a meeting you will not want to miss. PA Fish and Boat Commissioner Edward P. Mascharka III (click name for full bio) will address our chapter regarding proposed changes to Delayed Harvest regulations as well as the new mentored trout fishing opportunities for youth, along with other relevant topics to our TU Chapter. After he speaks, we will open the floor to questions from chapter members through a moderated approach by our chapter president.

I would ask all chapter members to email any questions they may have or topics they would like discussed that night to nwpatu@gmail.com in advance of the meeting so that we may set up a preliminary agenda to follow. I want to make sure we address everyone's concerns and stay on topic, as well as on schedule that night and feel this is the best approach to take."
some of the commissioners believe that Trout Unlimited is a fringe environmental group, so depending on his real beliefs, not what he says, there my not be much "listening"

I believe there are only 2, maybe 3 on the Board that State Council of TU perceive as "wild trout" commissioners, the balance are " great white fleet" proponents
The announcement is mostly about the DHALO proposal. But that issue has already been decided.

So I hope people will come up with good questions and proposals on other topics.

scotto wrote:
some of the commissioners believe that Trout Unlimited is a fringe environmental group, so depending on his real beliefs, not what he says, there my not be much "listening"

I believe there are only 2, maybe 3 on the Board that State Council of TU perceive as "wild trout" commissioners, the balance are " great white fleet" proponents

Whatever his views he should get some credit for participating in a discussion at a TU meeting. I've been to a couple meetings where commissioners have attended. Many times they drive a great distance to participate. They could just as easily blow them off in favor of larger audiences at other, possibly more friendly, venues.

I agree. He is showing interest in having TU's input, so for that he deserves some credit.
I am the President of the NW PA Chapter and the one who posted that announcement on our website.

While the proposal (for now at least) seems dead, we still welcome the commissioners participation in our meeting to discuss trout management in PA. And I would like to open up the discussion to anyone on this forum as well. If you have any specific questions please go to our chapter website (see link above) and email me with them. If appropriate, we will surely discuss that night.

Commissioner Mascharka was very willing and eager to come to our meeting, which I appreciate and respect.