NW troutguy, in Fredrick, MD.... and need a trout fix



New member
Jul 13, 2016
Howdy, east coasters.....
I am in Fredrick, MD for training.... and have a free saturday.

Any good PA trout spots close?

I'm not a purist... so I can swing, nymph, indicator.... I just want to get on some local water....

I would also be willing to share some information, if you ever are in the Portland, OR area. :)

Thanks in advance!

Hi Mike,
Welcome to our online community.
For a day of trout fishing, Frederick MD is a good location. There are streams just minutes away on the mountain that is west of town. This is called "South Mountain" and has state and national parks where you can FF for trout. These local creeks, however, are low and on the warm side right now (Eastern trout streams often get warm in summer).

A better bet would be to head out to western MD (Garrett County) or come up into south central PA (SCPA). Our state is famous in large part for the limestone streams in SCPA - these include Letort, Big Spring, etc. Most of these streams will take you about 1.5 hours drive time from Frederick (one way) and are cold and have a good flow due to being spring creeks. I'd vote to make the PA pilgrimage to Letort or some of these other creeks in SCPA.

If you're willing to push 3-4hrs from Frederick, you could reach central PA where Spring Creek, Penns Cr, Little Juniata etc are located. Scan our forum (use the Advanced Seach at the bottom of this page) to read about these places.
If it were me, I'd opt for a day trip to SCPA.

The link "Where to Fly Fish" on the upper right side of this page will provide further info on these and other locations.
Enjoy your visit.
I have fished Monocacy Creek at the southern end of Fredrick and Big Hunting Creek. Did fine at both places . In the town of Frederick is Hunting Creek Outfitters. Great shop and they may be able to help you out better. www.huntingcreekoutfitters.com
thanks so much!

I might make a trip to the Letort.. but I still haven't decided.

Tell you what.... its humid over here!
Another option is Beaver Creek, which is about a 1/2 drive west of Fredrick, near Hagarstown. It's a Cumberland Valley spring creek on the Maryland side of the border. There's a a good fly along the creek:
Beaver Creek Fly Shop.

If you like smallmouth, there's the Monocacy very nearby (as mentioned above), and the Potomac is only about 20 minutes south.
Don't fish the savage river or the north branch of the potomac in Garrett Country, no trout there. ;-)
I third the Monocacy for smallmouth, as long as it doesn't rain (gets muddy easily)
thanks guys....
Still haven't decided... :)

its so muggy over here.