Not my best...



Well-known member
Aug 12, 2009
... in the Poconos. Some times you are both good and lucky and other times you don't catch them at all.

The good news is I have tomorrow, and I am impressed with my Yeti cooler. My beers are still ice cold going into day 3 on Labor Day weekend.
You're not alone. I got skunked on the Saucon yesterday. Hey it happens.
I'd be more embarrassed that you had beer left over after three days...;-)
Good or bad at least you have beer and give yourself a pat on the back for a good estimate and didn’t run out. Taking home extra is not good but running out is worse.
CT, hope you had a nice weekend.

Pre-Covid, I was always amazed at the amount of people who would come in Deb's in Cross Fork, and buy 6-packs for big $$. Either they drank too much or didn't bring enough. Plan accordingly!
Not to derail the thread from drinking and back to fishing, but did you fish any ants and beetles in the evening hours? I've been having dynamite success on them. Tonight was one of those nights where both the beetles and the ants did great for me.
Interesting with success on ants and beetles at the end of the day. I usually consider sunny middays with a breeze best for those, and often have to switch to something else when the sun is off the water.
lestrout wrote:
Interesting with success on ants and beetles at the end of the day. I usually consider sunny middays with a breeze best for those, and often have to switch to something else when the sun is off the water.

As long as it is a warmish day I'll fish ants and beetles at any time. Late summer and early autumn they are my go to, for sure if I'm going dry fly fishing.

I fished both this morning when it was chilly and this evening after the sun had all day to warm it up. The morning hours were all about nymphing and the evening was all about dry fly action.
Got Skunked at Gouldsboro on Friday. Never saw anything like it. Nutt'n. Fished til dark.

The rain on Thursday combined with the bad barometric pressure must have been affecting them. Couple hits no takes and I was after Gills. Additionally the water was clear for the first time this summer, sort of a prelude to fall.
I caught a few today, My friend caught many more. He drove all the way from Richmond, VA and felt guilty that he caught most of the trout.

I don't invite people to drive all the way from Richmond, Virginia to watch me catch trout at my R&G club.

They only have to pay for what we eat and drink at McGuinley's. Beer, burgers, and wings(appropriate smiiey). I pay for everything else. It is my club and I love being the host.
I think my casting was much better this 4 day weekend. The very simple adjustment was putting my index finger above the cork grip and on rod.

Four days and only one knot in my leader, and one back cast snag. Better than any other 4 day weekend for me, and my Yeti cooler lived up to the $300.00 price tag, with a lot of help from the low 30 degree overnight Pocono temperatures.

You sure do love that cooler there , Canoe!
I am almost fully recovered from a bruised tailbone.

Yes....I found out the hard way that it's easier to get out of the way of a rock than to get the rock to move out of the way.