Not a beginning fly fisher, but...



New member
May 29, 2010

I'm not a beginning fly fisher but I AM new to this forum. I'm a United Methodist Pastor on Sabbatical and I'm just about to begin my first fly fishing vacation in Pennsylvania. The sad thing is, I grew up in WV and actually lived in PA for 6 years and never once fly fished in this great state. My bad!

I will be heading to central Pa (Aaronsburg) tomorrow (Sunday, 30 May) with my wife. I have no specfic plans - yet. I plan to get in tomorrow afternoon, get checked in and find a fly shop and go from there. I tend to prefer smaller, easily waded streams with a bit of solitude rather than standing arm-in-arm at some of the more famous streams. Any streams with good access you'd recommend?

Thanks, in advance for any info.

The area you'll be visiting has a wealth of trout fishing opportunities. You'll be close to Elk Creek which is a small limestoner with good populations of wild fish. Just down the road a few miles is Penns Creek (although this is more in the category of stream you might prefer to avoid). A few miles south of you in the town of Coburn is an excellent fly shop called the Feathered Hook. Jonas and crew can get you the latest and greatest with regards to insect hatches and flies you might need as well as some tips on local creeks.
Good luck with your trip.

Thank you for the reply. The Feathered Hook is at the top of my list for places to visit to get started. I'm looking forward to my time in Pennsylvania and can't wait to get started...

P.S. I apologize for "nudging in" on the beginners page but didn't see a "new to the forum" page. Thanks again for your reply.

Welcome to the board.

We sometimes get into religious and philosophical discussions in the Off Topic forum. Perhaps that's too much like work for you, but you are welcome to join in if you like.


Thanks for the welcome and, I may well join in if I feel I can add something. Right now I am busy getting my tailfeathers kicked on these PA waters! I've fished Penn's Creek and Spring Creek and, thought they are gorgeous waters - I've thrown everything but bait at 'em and might as well have stayed at home. Hope there's a turnaround SOON!

is this fly fishing pastor from the clark's forum?if so,welcome.we have friends in common,haha.

the area you're going to is great.penn's might not be as crowded now that the green drake hatch is about over.there are wild brookie streams not too far too.good luck
Gee, with your connections in "high places" I thought catching fish was automatic... ;-)

lol...Hope your luck turns soon. Enjoy your time on the water.

Yep. The same guy from the Cane Board, and, I guess we DO have some of the same friends! Good to hear from ya! Yep, the Green Drakes are done on Penn's (at least I haven't seen any) and the fishing is TOUGH - caught 2 on Penn's this a.m. - and felt good about it! I think I'm going to head to some of those brookie streams in the next day or so.


As far as I know, the "Boss" has cut me no slack when it comes to fly fishing - grace, peace, hope, etc., yeah - but not so much when it comes to fishing! But, having said that, I pretty much always love my time on the waters - especially new waters. Of course, it doesn't hurt to catch a few while you're doing it!

In Christ;

Amen to that. Good luck father.
afishinado wrote:
Gee, with your connections in "high places" I thought catching fish was automatic... ;-)

He's in Sales, not Management. :-D
Sales... HA! Good one! :-D