North Park Lake slowly returns to life



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007

Two years, $21 million and nearly 300,000 cubic yards of sediment have passed since Allegheny County and the Army Corps of Engineers, with some financial help from the state, began restoring North Park Lake. With a few exceptions, primarily located in and around the Irwin Run tributary, the project is in its final stage and the lake is slowly refilling.

Don't rig up the fishing tackle -- the lake remains a slowly rising vat of milk chocolate-colored sediment, reaching depths of 6-8 feet at the dam and backing up as far as the boat launch. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission recommends that public fishing resume Jan. 1, 2012. The first stockings of non-game fish occurred a couple of weeks ago, and the agency plans to restock warm-water game species for permanent residency beginning in February 2012. Limited seasonal stockings of trout would follow.

The Army Corps has completed the project's primary goal, removal of 76 years of sediment that had shaved 10 feet from the lake's maximum depth and turned 15 acres of open water into gooey, weed-choked swamp. Allegheny County has finished some tributary and landside improvements including anti-siltation measures on Pine Creek and North Branch Pine Creek. Further improvements are pending on Irwin Run, near or above the boat launch area.

In addition to the uncovering of the original stumps left in the lake bed when it was created, Fish and Boat crews have built dozens of fish habitats specific to the spawning and cover needs of baitfish and game fish of various sizes. PFBC biologist Rick Lorson suggested that savvy anglers might take note of their placement before they're covered with water.

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5 minutes from the DHALO section of Pine, and man has it been a terrible fishery since this project started. Incredible siltation, and two colors of water: Chocolate Milk, or 2%.

Here's hoping that by spring of 2012 the improvements will lead to better habitat down stream of the lake.

I'll also keep my fingers crossed for heavy snow and rain this coming winter into spring. The streambed and banks need a good flushing of sedimentation.
dreamsofstreams wrote:
5 minutes from the DHALO section of Pine, and man has it been a terrible fishery since this project started. Incredible siltation, and two colors of water: Chocolate Milk, or 2%.

Here's hoping that by spring of 2012 the improvements will lead to better habitat down stream of the lake.

I'll also keep my fingers crossed for heavy snow and rain this coming winter into spring. The streambed and banks need a good flushing of sedimentation.
Agreed. Pine has been muddy for too long. I can still dredge up a few when I stop but it will be nice to see the stream bottom again.
Its a put an take fishery so it really doesn't matter and is temporary anyway. If you think it bad now, wait until they are ready to fill the lake and have to stop up the creek to refill what they have dredged. In the long run it'll be better for both the lake and the creek. Patience...