North Central PA Summit Recap



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Thought I'd start a new thread for guys to post their pictures and whatnot. Generally, a great weekend. The fishing was lacking, of course, but each day got better. We missed a few of the regulars this year, but were glad to welcome back old faces and we welcomed some new ones:
Bikerfish and friend
Tim Robinson and wife

I arrived around 12:30am on Thursday morning. Drove up Wed. night after teaching. I had rain the whole way up til I got into Williamsport, then no rain. I thought it was all swingin' south! Then as I got off the exit in Liberty, I had rain the rest of my trip west, and it rained all night on Denton Hill.

Moosehead and gfoledc both arrived around 12:00pm on Thursday, and Skybay was there by 1:30. Thursday was constant rain, drizzle, mist. We headed to Lyman Run and West Branch, both of which were low but flowing. I was relieved to see moving water.

Back at camp, Afishin, Bikerfish and his buddy arrived and the good times started! One thing about this jam is that the food and fellowship are never lacking. Staying in one cabin as we do leads to some great times.

Friday was another small stream day, and we hiked up to some beaver ponds, then spread out to various spots around the general area. Tim Robinson and his wife arrived Friday night and more good times ensued. Again, wet weather constantly on Friday. No heavy downpours, but just a general drizzle/mist. Creeks slowly inched up.

Saturday AM everyone split for the Cross Forks/Kettle area. I stayed behind and waited for Turkey, and then we took off for Kettle/ Cross Fork as well. It seemed the higher up on Kettle you were, the better the flows were. We drove first to Kettle Creek Tackle Shop. Spend some time and money there, ran into gfoledc and Afishin who told us Cross Fork was low, so we headed up to a spot on Kettle that I saw was open on our way down. Good water, nice beaver ponds, flows were raising as there were some heavy downpours in the area on Saturday. Rained pretty much the whole day we fished. Ran into a few of our guys as we got higher up on Kettle, Skybay got lost, and then Turkey and I drove over to Little Kettle and got into some brookies there.

Back at camp for more food and good times, and then cleanin up and everyone planned on fishing today on the way home.

We were certainly glad to see conditions improving all weekend. We all got wet and cold, and while fish numbers weren't high, we had a great time in God's Country. An excellent 5th Anniversary to the NCPA Summit!

I think anyone who goes to this will tell you, it's a fantastic weekend. 2017's summit will be around the same time as this year's, and there's always more room!



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Great get together good people, good food, great fun. Slow fishing is better than no fishing

Thanks Andy
Did you see any sign of brookie spawning activity?

I saw zero sign of brookie spawning, we fished 4 different streams that held brookies.
Yep thanks for the tips Brad. We found a few more that we didn't discuss in PMs also.
dkile wrote:
Thanks for the report. Sounds like a fun time! should have come! There was a demand for PAFF stickers ;-) Also, I think everyone there was pretty much on the same page concerning recent changes to the forum, and while you certainly don't need the validation, you would have at least had some good affirmation from a few "solid regulars"!
Looks like fun.

I plan on heading up that way in the next few weeks to see the elk, check out the leaves, and hopefully do some fishing if the old lady lets me. Hopefully the rain/water levels cooperate.
Sorry I missed it, I was working.
Looks like fun! No brookie pictures? I always look forward to all the brookie pictures from this event.
The lack of fish pictures should tell you something about the fishin ;-)

By the way, I received several "donations" from attenders. In the past, those donations have helped to make some serious improvements to the camp. 2 years ago it was a new porch. Last year, some much needed bathroom repairs. This year, a new well system so the camp can have drinkable water. It sounds like the new well will be drilled at some point this month. Thank you all for helpin' in this!
Man! I read slow, but figured there would have been a fish or two caught at least.
I did post one picture of a brookie. Caught more, but I didn't feel the need to take a picture of every fish I caught haha! No one else has sent me pictures.
pics coming soon, work has been hell.
Few pictures from
2016 North Central PA Summit 9/30-10/2


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    Skybay and Moosehead Desperate Fishing Location on Gelatin Reservoir.jpg
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Great pics Jared! I'll get mine posted up one of these days!