North Central Foliage and Not Fishing



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Got up to several of the northern central counties over the weekend hoping for a chance to wet my line, but knew full well that wasn't very likely. Turned it into a foliage photo trip instead.

I used to often roll past the Quehanna Wild Area on my way to Potter county, but I took some time on my way up and back to stop though for a few hours. A lot of woods to explore in this area. Stopped at the birch grove at the Marion Brooks Natural Area.

Endured the way over the top crowds at Benzette area. I can check that off my list. A bad Disney World in woods. But there were some elk.

A good fire, steak and wine at a campground for the night.

The next day I made may way back over to Cameron and Potter counties figuring I take a look at the First Fork area. Awesome foliage the whole area. and plenty of wildlife along the way.

First Fork was the driest I have ever seen it. No bugs or trout could be seen will I as checking things out. Very few people compared to Elk World.

I made a run up Brooks Run Rd. to see how things looked up that way and took some pictures along the stream.

Rain was coming in so I booked out and went home.

Net Net the streams up north are ver very low and need some rain. Foilage and wildlife awesome as always.
Great shots! I was around Kettle. Terrible to see how low everything is now. Saw a huge bull Elk.
My camp is not far from the Marion Brooks reserve. Beautiful area, spend alot of time up there. Its deep in the Moshannon State Forest so I can go up and be free from the Benezette crowds. It is insane this time of year, stay out of town at all costs.
I am heading up this weekend, and am taking my fly rod but unlikely I will fish unless I see a few crusing the beaver pond across the road.
Thanks for the pics!
Beautiful shots, Dave..

Apropos of not all that much, I met Marion Brooks during the last year or two of her life (she passed in 1973 IIRC). I went to college with her son and I went home with him to Medix Run one weekend and met his Mom. I don't remember all that much about it other than that she was cooking on a wood stove when Harry introduced me to her.

She was a relentless advocate for the woods and waters of Elk County and particularly battled often with local strip mining interests and held them accountable. Ironically, her son graduated college with a geology degree and so far as I know, spent his career as a coal company geologist.

Those are some great shots Dave and I'm pretty jealous of the Elk shot... What is your setup if you don't mind my asking?
Thanks for the feedback.

Interesting story about meeting Marion Brooks. I really did not know much about her. I'm going to have to do a little more research. Those are always good rabbit holes to follow and will keep me busy on many fronts about the region.

I have been slowing switching over to Fuji cameras. I had a lot of Nikon bodies and glass, but was finding the full-frame gear too heavy. So I have several Fuji bodies, but was using the Fujifilm XT2 with a very simple 55-200mm lens for much of the trip. Most of my gear is landscape or portrait lens. The 55-200 is a very durable with how badly I treat it and does pretty well when I do need some reach. If I was going do more wildlife photography I would get the 100-400 that Fuji has and will likely be on sale in Novemeber.

I like Fuji as they have done a great job with mirrorless cameras for many years. The color tone in the images are awesome and you can program cameras to shoot some outstanding old film simulations. They also make some very good looking cameras that are well engineered.
The majestic Pa. where the true men of spirit live, the rest reside in a countless loss of oil from the main vein. Get on you knees and scoop the oil you lost in the blink of an eye! In the blink, while heads turn, Pa. beauty passes you by! A wise man, always, looks to the Pa. Skyline! For a true picture of REAL!

Real to Real on your turntable! ? How come, I am right! Well, I am Maxima12 and I love Pa.! How bout you sinner!
Accusationally poetic....or is it poetically accusational?

A will-o-the Wisp,
a poke in the eye,
shapes in the clouds as time goes by.

Blinded by the light
of Pa love.
Where are the much needed tears from above??

Wise folk or fools,
Who is to say?
Why wait for tomorrow, when you can have it today?

Is "main vein" innuendo,
or coincidental?
Is Maxy a prophet, or just a wee bit mental? ;-)

- The Rambling Poet
Those pictures remind me of what I miss each fall. I may call Florida "home" , but in my heart Pennsylvania will always be my Mother.
Those pics are lovely and show how beautiful things get for a couple weeks here in the fall -- worth the drive.

GGH -- Yep, you're "missing it" now, but this time doesn't last. A month from now we'll be into the November uglies, which precede the cold of winter -- when you'll be enjoying nice, sunny days. I guess that's nature's payback for the explosion of color we have right now.

When I was fishing this morning, I landed more leaves than I did trout, as a lot of the streamside yellow ones are falling now. I think my biggest one was a huge sycamore leaf.

Anyhow, Dave's photos are wonderful. (The ones I take are not nearly as good as his.)
Dear Dave,

My wife and I spent last week on Rte 44 in Northern Clinton County. Fishing was clearly not an option, so we roamed and took pictures.

Benezette on October 6th was less crowded than the average McDonald's drive thru is at 10:30 AM. I took a nap in my truck atop Winslow Hill and didn't wake up until I heard an elk bugle in the fog. I was rewarded with these shots.

Benezette 10-6-2020-38-psp fixed by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

Benezette 10-6-2020-42-psp fixed by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

Benezette 10-6-2020-12-psp by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

Benezette 10-6-2020-10-psp by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

Here is a shot taken 4 miles down a dead end road from our cabin. This alone was worth the trip to me.

Lebo Road 10-8-2020-12-Lollipops by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

And here is one of a parasailer just after launching from Hyner View State Park.

Hyner view 10-9-2020-2-psp by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

My wife and I saw enough that we were content by spending Friday at Bald Eagle State Park catching sunnies and perch on worms.


Tim Murphy :)

Search no more, kind of a giveaway, the colors. If a hunter, colors count. The beauty and the bounty!
Tim, very nice shots and glad you found some opportunity amongst the Disney World crowds. I wasn't surprised about the crowds and kinda expected it. Frankly surprised there were elk in the area. I really every see wildlife do what they're told and go to nature view areas.

I'm glad I went and can now spend my time enjoying the backroads and other elk areas the next time I go up.
Thanks for the post Dave, I looked into the XT-2 and REALLY liked the dials on it. The Fuji lineup is a little more cost effective too it seems which is very nice. I use a Sony a7ii and it is nice but glass is a little pricey. I like it so far though and we're like you, mostly shoot landscape and portrait but I want to get into tele and shoot birds. Another expensive hobby yaayyyyy

Also Tim those are phenomenal shots. You guys are gonna make me drive up there