Nor Vice



Feb 5, 2011
Anyone have this vice? Thinking about getting one. Likes? Dislikes? Cost isn't a factor to me. Presently using a Dyna King.
I've tied on one a good amount as my "mentor" has one. It depends on how much you intend to use its features. The rotary is really nice, fast, and silky smooth. It also depends on your uses. For smaller hooks and scud hooks it doesnt give great hold and access to the hook in my opinion. If you're really big about using full rotary techniques and tying fast and money isn't an issue, then sure go for it, but I think it's kinda gimmicky since it saves a very minuscule amount of time compared to a normal full rotary vise.
If you like tying, considering sticking with it, and cost is not a factor, get a J Vice!
wsender wrote:
If you like tying, considering sticking with it, and cost is not a factor, get a J Vice!

Pfft, you haven't seen what $900 of vise looks like:

Dovetails well with the $70 bobbins and $300 scissors, though.
Petitjean stuff is crazy. Did you see his easy-threading bobbin? looks really cool. I watched Bruce Corwin using one on Saturday.
J Vice looks nice, but it looks like a Renzetti, Dyna King etc etc... The Nor looks different and seems to operate differently than the standard rotary. Different is what I am after.

Different does not mean better.

Keep that in mind.

I'd try to find one to tie on before I'd drop that money, you might find that it doesn't suit your style at all.

The thing that I find obnoxious about rotary vises is the way you access the back of the hook. To me, and my fat fingers, there's just not enough room. Now, granted, I only have one example that I've used, and its known for being short back there, but its enough to sour me, especially combined with the fact that I've never rotated it once.

The way Norvise's head is laid out appears purpose built to infuriate me. I couldn't do it, and since I never rotate the damned thing anyways, I don't see the appeal in trying to use it that way (but I like watching that guy who makes the videos zing it around).

Is there a failure to the Dynaking you're looking to supplement, or simply a desire for something different for difference's sake?

Looking at the Nor-Vice and the inability to get at teh back of the hook would irritate me as well. A definite minus. Watching the videos of its' use made me want to investigate it further. I like the smooth and fast rotary ability and the way it dubs the thread. Although, most of the dry flies I tie are quill bodied... So, yes, I am just looking for something different for difference's sake.

I've often said that all someone needs to do is invent/discover something for the golfing and fishing communities and they'd make a mint. Seems like we are always on the lookout for the best and greatest.

I do get a kick out of watching that guy zing it around, and while just peeking at a video of him at his desk, I noticed something very telling back on a shelf above his taxidermy'd chicken.

About 3 minutes into this:

See it back there?

I think that's pretty telling, actually.

So, hell, if you wrap alot of big streamers and stuff, then I'm sure that's really advantageous, or if you've really got that much excess capital, but other wise...?

Y'know, those fancy granite bases are eye pleasing and exceedingly indulgent.
norive makes midge jaws that will solve any issues with hook access

I had one for a few years, and liked it... if you don't use the rotary features, its over kill
The ability to work with dubbing is great
mine (an older model) only indexed every 90 degrees

if you are going to get one, get the whole deal
mounting board (or make one) and bobbin
this is not a pack and travel like other vises

norm took his hour instructional video on put it all on youtube
great for technique and getting the most from his system

i sold mine and now have a dyna-king and a regal (jvise is in the mail)
it is unique and has a lot of features
if you use it to its max- worth it
if you treat it like a regualar vise- youre better off with a regular vise
I've used a Nor Vise for a couple of years now and love it. I understand the back of the hook issue, but it really has not been a problem for me. I do have the midge jaws, but only use them for #20 and smaller. I find the rotary features useful at times. For example, one of the things I like to do is spin peacock herl on the thread to reinforce the herl. I love the automatic bobbin.
The vise is rock solid and holds hooks tight enough to spin deerhair with no problem. I also thought that the price was fairly competitive considering what you get. But, it is a rather different feel than other vises so there will be a learning curve to deal with.
FrequentTyer wrote:
I love the automatic bobbin.

I thought it was pretty neat watching the guy use that, does it get to be a pain filling the thread spools?
gfen wrote:
About 3 minutes into this:
See it back there?

Wow, talk about fail. Wrong link. Cannot edit the post.
Don't know whichone I was watching, but this one:
Has what I was referring to.

(post script, the boogered up link is an awesome short story, for those of you who don't care)
gfen wrote:
FrequentTyer wrote:
I love the automatic bobbin.

I thought it was pretty neat watching the guy use that, does it get to be a pain filling the thread spools?

It only takes a few minuted to fill a spool using the vise attachment. I have 20 spools with different threads and changing them is no more difficult than changing a regular spool in a standard bobbin. I don;t think it is a pain, but it is an additional step, so some might get annoyed with that.

Are you referring to the cabinet of reels and bamboo fly rods behind him? He makes it look so easy!

No, the regular old vise without patented Nor-vise zippy spin action.
