Noodlin rods



New member
Dec 27, 2006
Can anyone tell me what this is and should I own one?
A Noodle rod is a long (10'-13') spinning rod used for steelheading. Very soft tip action, hence the "noodle" connotation.

Thanks Maurice cleared that up for me.
Some people also use noodle rods for FLY FISHING for steelhead up at Erie. They use these long, soft action rods so they have a long reach for controlling the drift of egg patterns and nymphs, and so they can use light leaders when the water is clear and have all that flex in the rod to protect the tippet when a big steelie takes off.

So it's a pretty specialized kind of rod, for people who do a LOT of steelheading and want this kind of specialized outfit. Most people just use a more standard type of 9 foot rod, that you can also use for bass fishing, light saltwater etc.
I have seen several article in the past and can try and find them if you like. But if my memory serves me correctly the article talks about purchasing a noodle-spinning rod and build it out with fly components and it will cast a 5 or 6 wt line fairly well. If you have the few extra buck and a little time I would give it a try, if you’re looking for something different. The other alternative would be to buy a Cabela’s 11’3” 6 wt. spey rod for $180.00.