Non-DEET Insect Repellant Update



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
I couldn't find the old thread on this topic.

But a non-DEET altnerative is widely available. Cutter Advanced Picaridin Insect Repellent can be found a lot of places, including Wally World. I just bought a spray bottle for about $4.

If you Google "Picaridin" which is the active ingredient, you can read all about it. It supposedly is non-toxic to humans, which is not the case with DEET. And it supposedly does not dissolve plastics, which is also not the case with DEET. And it's recommended by all kinds of big governmental agencies, and we all know that we can trust them, right?

Anyway I'll give it a try, and I hope other people will too, and report back. If it really works as well as DEET and doesn't have the bad side effects, then that's a big advance.

If it does work, I'm not sure what I'll do with the big can of OFF with DEET that I also bought recently. Donate it to charity I guess.
Cactus Juice is my brand of choice. Bug repellant and sun screen all in one
Swisher Sweets are what i prefer. They do a decent job of repelling bugs and people. :-D
I bought some Cutter Advanced based on the other thread. I tired it out last weekend. Its certianly more pleaasant to wear. Its not greasy and its odorless. I wasn't bothered by the bugs, but I can't say whether the bugs were bad or not. I'll need to recruit an un-treated control subject for that experiment.