No Parking Near Manada DHALO



May 6, 2011
An interesting development near Manada's upper reaches- There are an assortment of 'no parking' signs at all of the usual pull-offs. These signs appear to be posted every 5 feet or so (so you sure can't miss em!) and are marked by the PFBC.

On the last weekend before trout season opened up (on a rare 40+ degree day, too) there were fishermen-a-plenty at Manada this weekend. However, with all of the old haunts off-limits to parking, I noticed a lot of people parking in even worse places (blocking the trail heads, even though there are signs against that as well, along the side of the road in areas without shoulders, etc).

Obviously, this is out of an Internet forum's hands to fix, but it's quite a shame. Anyone know if anything specific caused this change? Any alternatives you've found? I sadly just parked with the most of them, at the very start of the DHALO bridge. That makes me worry about the increased traffic at that property and its possible posting!

But in more positive news.. the stream is looking gorgeous. It's really recovered and improved since the 2011 flood. Many stretches are very trouty looking (though luck is still hard to come by, as always), and the old holes and haunts are blending together for a more even experience.

Landowner upset with poor behavior by people parking on his land, i.e. trash. PFBC convinced him not to post at this time, but if behavior does not change and it usually does not, posting may follow.
Well hopefully someone is working on a parking solution...when you remove parking because of unwanted behavior and don't replace it with some other alternative and still allow access you are going to create an untenable situation.
Maybe I missed something. Has someone gone out to see if the signs have been removed? I though the OP said these were PFBC signs.
We were there on Sunday afternoon. You definitely can't miss all of the no parking signs at the usual parking areas on Mountain Road. That is where I have always parked. We drove to the bottom of the dhalo and fished up to mountain from there. When we parked, a couple of CO's came by to make sure no one was fishing below the dhalo. We talked to them briefly and got the impression that it is ok to park off of (MacLean?) road before the "go any further and you will be blown up" signs. I would look into this more before doing so, however.

The stream does look pretty good. I would say that well over fifty percent of the most promising water is well protected by fallen trees. One would have to be far more artistic with a fly rod than I am to cast to much of this water. I managed to pick up a couple and lost several more.


ROVERT wrote:

The stream does look pretty good. I would say that well over fifty percent of the most promising water is well protected by fallen trees.

This is good trout habitat. DEPTH and COVER is what they need.

In areas of the world where trees grow (like PA), lots of trees in the stream channel is the normal condition.
Thanks for the info, Rovert. I would be interested in hear if anyone has a different opinion about Maclean road being used for parking.

Until the craziness dies down, though, I'll probably just go back to Clarks to itch that scratch!
Was there yesterday, saw the signs were pfbc no parking signs.
I parked at Eddie rheers didn't seem to be an issue. If that becomes an issue there is a pulloff up the hill of the other road. You'd hv to walk down the hill to fish. Also there is some spots you could pull off the road abv rheers.