Nice Little WW Outing



Well-known member
Mar 14, 2012
Lancaster, PA
I stopped by one of my favorite local WW beats to check out the smallie activity this afternoon. I was comtemplating taking the 5 wt because most of the smallies I catch in this stretch aren't very big and they would be a lot more fun on the 5, but the occasional carp are big. So I took the 8 wt. just in case. I would say that the WW bite is definitely starting to happen. I only fished for a little over an hour and caught 9 smallies (nothing big, all between 6"- 10") and one Redbreast Sunfish. All fish were caught on the same #4 Chartruese/White Clouser.

While I was fishing a semi-deep run in the shade of a big box elder tree a big old carp came cruising right past me and then dissapeared. I didn't move at all and continued to fish the same spot keeping my eye out for the carp. A few minutes later I spotted it cruising to the side of me up near the surface. On the first cast I laid the clouser about 4" in front of the carp and he sucked it in! Game On! It took me about 10-15 minutes to land the fish. I had no net so that always makes it interesting. He measured a bit over 27" and was very heavy. Really glad I decided to take the 8 wt. Here are a few pictures.


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Will carp active chase/eat baitfish imitations? I always thought of them more as a "foraging" type fish. At any rate, nice work!
Good to hear John. Hopefully we're turning the corner on the WW bite.

I've hooked two Carp on Buggers before. Both unintentionally and I didn't know either was even there until I hooked them. Kind of interesting on a 7' 4wt...I fought that one for about 5 minutes before just pinching the line and letting it break the 4x off.

First one I ever caught on a Clouser but it was what I had on and every now and then it just all comes together.


I have every intention of bringing every carp I hook to hand if possible, I just truly enjoy the all around challenge of catching these fish on fly gear. I have a whole lot of confidence in my 8 wt. I was fishing 1X tippet but with 15-20 lbs. of fish on the other end you still have to play your cards right. I think I would have really struggled with this fish on my 5 weight.
DC thats good work following your gut with the 8wt. Looks like you had fun!