Newest desk



Jul 20, 2011
Here's my latest creaton guys. Once again, all from scrap wood.


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really nice looking .one thing though where do all your materials go
I have a plastic 3 drawer bin on wheels that goes under, for the bigger stuff. The smaller stuff goes in the plastic cabinet in the picture. I actually built the shelves so the cabinet would fit perfectly next to them.
Very nice work, especially coming from scraps,
very nice desk I love the size. I feel if you have the room you just cant make one big enough. I made mine from a full size desk I found at the second hand store and just added a new top and actuallly made it larger than the desk itself. I didnt put near the workmanship in it that you did but it came out pretty close to the size that I can work with( I use a lot of tools while tying and I am bad at putting things back when I am working so it still gets a mess sometimes). Enjoy your new project its a winner.
I'm just like you Fred. I tie one fly, and my desk is a mess. Like Gierach said, it looks like "a raccoon killed a chicken".
Thanks for the compliments!