Newbie tying question.



Feb 13, 2017
When you guys are tying, do you stick to one hook size for a dozen flies? Or do you do a few different sizes of the same fly per session? I know it's important to have a variety of sizes to match what you're seeing out on the water, hence the probably ridiculously dumb newb question.

I got the chance to get some hands on some vices today, and decided on the griffin oddessy spider cam. Should be here next week, and then it's go time. Looking forward to making some ugly flies for the next few months, before I finally know what the heck I'm doing!
I usually tie up all that I need of a certain pattern in one size, before moving on to another.
I kinda of get into a rhythm, and start cranking them out.
I have tyers ADD. I tie a few of this a few of that. I tie for an hour or so before bed. I will say when I was tying several of the same pattern regardless of hook size the results from the first to the forth were really noticeable. But really this is up to you.
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
When you guys are tying, do you stick to one hook size for a dozen flies?

yes. helps me with consistency

Or do you do a few different sizes of the same fly per session?

yes. after tying one size i move on to the next size
I usually tie up about 25 in A certain style and size and when I finish I go to the same style and different size. Once I get going I can do A lot more.
I might just tie a couple or a dozen it just depends. As a new tier get some single sided razor blades so you can destroy what you tie that you don't like.
For nymphs, I tie a dozen then switch sizes. I fish dries less, so I normally only stock a half dozen per size.

DGC wrote:
I might just tie a couple or a dozen it just depends. As a new tier get some single sided razor blades so you can destroy what you tie that you don't like.

Destroy my creations! :-O What would the world be if Frankenstein had destroyed his monster! Lol

All kidding aside, that's probably a great idea, if it looks clunky, start again! Practice makes perfect!
nfrechet wrote:
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
When you guys are tying, do you stick to one hook size for a dozen flies?

yes. helps me with consistency

Or do you do a few different sizes of the same fly per session?

yes. after tying one size i move on to the next size

So....yes. :lol:

Thanks for the input folks! Looking forward to getting started. I have the fly tiers bible, so I'll be doing some reading while I wait for shipment to arrive.

Side bar question. Where do you get your materials locally? RC gave me a link to a place, and they have decent prices, but I feel like it's a crapshoot when you buy materials online.
Most of my flies are tied up the night before I go fishing so my table will be a complete mess and hard to organize.

Other times I will set everything up for a run of a certain pattern. Maybe pheasant tail. I will take out a few different colors of pheasant tail feathers, a few sizes of hooks and such and have everything laid out ready to go. Down to the point of having the beads already on the hook, if they are lively legz they will all be set up in a line, I will take two peacock herl for each fly I am going to do and have them set out in pairs ready and waiting.

As I whip finish the fly on the vice, my other hand is picking up the next hook and bead. It is kind of like a type writer effect to be honest.

DING! on to the next.

This will really help you with consistency, and get your tying times down a lot. I can do a beadhead lively legz pheasant tail in 2 minutes and 40 seconds. I time them and see. If you do this you can knock out 20-30 flies an hour (depending on the pattern)

Getting over tyers ADD and looking at the big picture for your stock boxes will greatly improve your tying skills, and consistency.
A dozen in a row is boring as hell to me. I do four of a size and style, and then the fifth or sixth starts to get inconsistent.

I guess I found my sweetspot. Four of something, on to the next.
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
DGC wrote:
I might just tie a couple or a dozen it just depends. As a new tier get some single sided razor blades so you can destroy what you tie that you don't like.

Destroy my creations! :-O What would the world be if Frankenstein had destroyed his monster! Lol

All kidding aside, that's probably a great idea, if it looks clunky, start again! Practice makes perfect!

I have a razor that stays on my desk. I use it more than I care to admit.
This is actually a very good question. Our local TU chapter offers free fly tying twice per month. We recommend that tiers complete at least 6 or more of the same size and pattern before moving on. This helps build good techniques, proportions, consistency and your overall confidence. Always have a good example of a completed fly to compare to, even if it is just a picture. This will help you with developing the proper proportions. Then move on to tying in different sizes, while still trying to maintain proper proportions. Check with your local TU chapter to see if they have classes, or are willing to start some. We all learn from one another and have a good time discussing how (and where) we fish them.
Thanks Tom! I'm hoping to attend the April meeting for my local TU (missed this months). I am also hoping to go to the "Have a brew, Tie a fly" event at the Doylestown brewery.

Lots to get involved in, just gotta make the time!