Newbie to Try For Steelheads



Active member
Mar 16, 2015
Can anyone recommend a good spot for a newbie to try in the Erie watershed in mid-Nov thru mid-Dec.

I watched a video and it was shoulder to shoulder along that stream. I don't want to be a pest to other guys who know what they are doing.

What can you tell me about stream etiquette. How close is too close? Do people take turns casting and drifting?

I have a 6 wt, 8-1/2 ft fiberglass Fenwick, 1981 version. I have a Pflueger Medalist1495 DA w/ 6 wt floating line, one of the last made in the USA.

I also have an Allen Trout II Size 1 that I could re-spool w/ the 6 wt line. What would you do?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Best regards,

Uncle Shorty
if you stay at folyy's end campground in the middle of the week,you could avoid a crowd.
Thank you, shakey.