New Top End Fly Rod for $100 Savings



Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
Thinking of buying a new top of the line Sage, Winston, Loomis, or other brand of fly rod this spring?

I have an opportunity to buy a couple fly rods at a less than full retail price, and if you’re thinking of buying a fly rod, i can get it for you at $100.00 less than what you’d have to pay. I already have more rods than I need, or I’d buy these rods for myself.

The only “string” attached to this offer is that the rod has to cost $900.00, or more. You can negotiate your best deal with your fly shop, or my local shop, (some shops will include a free new fly line with a rod purchase, for example, or throw in some other type of spiff) and you’ll still get that, plus the $100.00 I’ll give you.

If you’re in the market for a new fly rod of any brand, new or used, costing $900.00 or more, and would like to save 100.00 on your purchase, email me at

This is confusing. A sage x costs 900 dollars. So if I can negotiate it down to 700 you will sell it to me for 600? Or am I only allowed to negotiate it down to 900?

To be honest I dont need any rods so it doesnt really matter to me.
Good question. The price after you negotiate it down, exclusive of tax, would have to be $900 or more. Then I’d be able to give you another $100.00 off that price.

I bought several Winston rods this past year that cost over $900.00 each, and as I’m sure you know dealers normally do not normally discount them, unless they are discontinued or the manufacturer allows it, although they do often throw in a free line or other perk with the rod purchase, which you’d also get in addition to the $100.00 I’d give you.
Mike confuses easily. He'll probably take a half dozen Asquiths :)