new to the site and also new to fly fishing



New member
Jul 11, 2012
Hello, my name is joel and im from sw pa.I fished the youghiogheny river all my life with conventional tackle until about a month ago.I decided I wanted to chase the fish of 10000 casts with the fly.I have a 10wt rod and a large arbor reel.only problem I never touched a flyrod brother fly fishes and self taught himself to cast but I can't seem to get it.does anyone have any tips or info on fly casting schools? Thanks joel
Hi Joel,

Welcome! A handful of us beginners also made the switch from spinning to FF this year. Many local FF clubs have training days around opening day of trout season. This time of year your best bet is hooking up on this board with someone in your area who can take you out. Sounds like a big enough rig for a Musky!

BTW, Cabellas and Orvis both have beginner FF classes but I don't know much about them.
Welcome to the PAFF Beginner's Forum.

Your decision to learn fly fishing while pursuing muskellunge - while perfectly okay - is an unusual one. Muskies are very difficult to catch on regular gear and more so on fly gear. I've been out fly fishing for muskies several times this year and have not had a strike (will be trying again tomorrow). If I may......I'd suggest starting out with smallmouth bass. They're a blast on the fly and will help you learn the basics of casting and improve your confidence. With time, you could then start chasing muskies. Nevertheless, if you're determined to start with all means do so. If you check our Warm Water forum, there is the Toothy Critter Success thread where some of our hard core muskie guys have posted some pics of fly caught muskies and pike.
With respect to casting, many fly shops and big box outdoor stores offer basic casting lessons.
Welcome to your new addiction.

Practice, just like anything else.
I tried to start FF last year and struggled. I'd agree that hooking up with someone experience would be helpful. This past May I took a 3 day fishing school up in the Kinzua area, and it helped me to put all the various pieces together, as well as gave me some great practice with some awesome guides. You may want to start learning the basics this year, then invest in a school next year. While I'm still learning, it helped me gain a lot of confidence on the streams.
Paging PacoFrancisco
Welcome to the site. GG
Welcome to the jungle, gentlemen.

Read a lot, ask questions and the anglers on this forum will certainly help improve your FF experiences!

Welcome guys. If you can spend some time with someone out on the water and practice, practice, practice that is going to be the best help. Also like someone mentioned if you can get to one of the events they hold from this forum it will greatly help you.

I learned to play baseball by playing baseball, when I started fly fishing I thought the same thing, I was only going to get better by fishing, so regardless of how many trees I caught, some where trophies by the way, or how ugly my casts were I had to keep fishing if I wanted to learn how to do it better. Keep one thing in mind as you begin this new hobby, all fly fishermen and women are all still learning as we go about fishing regardless of how long we have been at it.