New to forum with question



New member
Feb 15, 2008
Hello all! Just started fly fishing and tying at the beginning of winter (as if picking up one by itself isn't enough). I have enjoyed reading through the forums for the past few months tryng to pick up bits and pieces from different subjects.

First question is if i should wrap lead wire on bead head flies or if the weight of the bead head should do the trick by itself?

Depends on how fast and how deep you want it to sink...that would be the reason to do it and to what extent...for most creeks one or the other should do but like I said it would depend on where you are fishing....
tomgamber wrote:
Depends on how fast and how deep you want it to sink...that would be the reason to do it and to what extent...for most creeks one or the other should do but like I said it would depend on where you are fishing....

Might also depend on what fly and what material you use for beadhead, brass or Tu.

I use brass beads with lead wire for some wollybuggers. On nymphs it's hard to imagine needing lead in addition to Tu beads for most flys.

Maybe if you provided more details there would be aditional suggestions from the forum.

Welcome aboard.
Tabasco, do you mean Tungsten when you say Tu? Tungsten's a W as far as I learned it. Damn germans.

If so, I like the tungsten beads. If that's not enough, I put lead shot on until a) I get deep enough, or b) casting becomes a PITA and I go home.
Too much weight is lesser of two evils compaired to not enough.

Adding lead with the bead (which I do often) will help the fly get down faster that bead alone. And the more time a fly is in the fish's strike zone, the more the chance of the fish taking the fly.

The worst thing that can happen by having too much weight on teh fly, is snagging on a rock earlier in the drift. Just reaching the innevitable faster, when using common/stereotipical/good nymphing techniques.
Since I started using beads, the only time I use lead wire is if it will add something to the shape or structure of the most things Chet, it should be obvious that its a matter of preference. Experiment!
Tungsten=W=Wolfram-------------->High School

I still use lead on some flies just because I feel like if I fish a fly in a fast riffle that it doesn't have time to get to the bottom. If I fish a small stream, I usually use one or the other but I don't really know too much....