new to flyfishing



New member
Feb 16, 2007
I'm new to flyfishing. I live in the York area. Looking for tips on what to use around this area so any info anyone has would be a great help. Thank you
Depending on where you are fishing you could use from a 3 weight to around a 6 weight if you're trout fishing in streams. This time of year you'll want to stick to nymphs for the most part. On warmer days we might get some small hatches though. During spring and summer your good olds Adams works wonders, also sulphur, caddis, blue wing olive, light cahil, and lots of terrestrials in the summer. If you live in the York area you will want to hit up Yellow Breeches, Codorus Creek, Muddy Creek just to name a few. Also, you might want to try the Gunpowder, right over the line in MD. I also live in the York area and am fairly new to this game, so if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me or something
Thank you very much for the tips. will try them out and see how i do :)
Go back a few pages on this forum. Open up some promising looking threads and bookmark em for later. Try to read a few here and there when you have time. There's some pure gold out there.

Hell, some of my "how the hell??" posts are probably buried somewhere around here.... unless they got lost in the great forum crash.
Thank you Jay.
I'll be sure to go back through and do some reading. Hope i dont go into brain overload haha