New stuff cheap!



Active member
Feb 12, 2008
New Cumberland PA
Someone explain to me the new stuff being sold at a discount here. Unwanted gifts? Heck, nobody gives me an 800$ rod; and if I received one I wouldn’t sell it. Scratch and dent? I don’t think you could scratch or dent a Helios! Stolen? How do you stuff a rod tube down your pants? I’m confused.
Usually guys or friends of guys who work at a fly shop. Helios might cost them $350 brand new. Some places give employees up to 70% off. Then have their friends fence the stuff for them online or they do it under an alias.
I don’t know what your referring to but orvis typically sells the prior years Helios at drastically lower prices whenever they roll out the new model
mcarney99 wrote:
Usually guys or friends of guys who work at a fly shop. Helios might cost them $350 brand new. Some places give employees up to 70% off. Then have their friends fence the stuff for them online or they do it under an alias.

This explains much of this.^

Folks in the FF business often get a lot of gear from companies that they endorse or wholesale seconds, etc. Some of this stuff finds its way here to the Swap forum.
He’s probably referring to the fact there’s been a Loomis IMX pro listed for $375 and a H3 for like $650. Both brand new, both very sought after rods and rarely ever found at a discount.
I am selling the IMX PRO... Actually won it, but have too many 5wts.