New signs in Maryland



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2015
Saw these posted on a couple different rivers this weekend.
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PA has similar signs on the big, popular, limestoners that have borderline, or worse, thermal issues in the Summer. It’s a good thing they stock a lot of those creeks to replenish all the boiled Trout each Summer.

My open season to Trout angling limited to 4/1 to 5/15 idea addresses this. (See No One Screaming thread.)
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They have signs like that along Spring Creek.

I've seen people fishing Spring Creek when the air temperature was 90F and the water temperature was 75F. So, the signs are probably good for education.
I like the signs and think that they do have educational purposes except for the guys that say "I drove 2 hours to fish here, I'm fishing".
Too bad most guys think they can accurately guess water temps by feel rather than use a thermometer.

Same guys that post pictures of "eighteen inch" trout that are almost completely hidden by their hands.
Was this in a wild or stocked stream? Very cool to see this implemented.
A mix of both, they were on catch and release streams. It would be great if they could set up guages with temps in these sections but I know that's probably a big ask.
Too bad most guys think they can accurately guess water temps by feel rather than use a thermometer.

Same guys that post pictures of "eighteen inch" trout that are almost completely hidden by their hands.
Hey, I've just got big hands!