New Sage Trout LL



Active member
Nov 18, 2022
Has anyone cast this? Particularly in the 4wt? Just wondering if this is actually a moderate action rod, as basically all sage rods are fast action.
The 490 Trout LL is a great trout rod. It's more of a moderate fast in the 490. I have a 590 Trout LL and it leans a little slower, more towards moderate. Especially casting off the tip.

With all that said, only you know what feel you're looking for during the cast, and what line you cast can/will change the feel of the rod.
The 9ft LL rods are very nice. The action is crisper especially the tip than the Scott GS 9ft rods. They are more on the low end of med fast but larger water capable.
They really shine in 8 1/2 ft especially the 4wt. Just my opinion. Excellent rods.
I've cast the 486, 490 and 590 Trout LL. I bought the 590 after casting the 486 against the 590. I then casted, and fished, a buddy's 490. I wish I'd have bought the 490. It's the winner to me.
I owned one of the original two piece LLs. 8 1/2 five weight. My first quality fly rod. Wonderful. The new ones are multi-piece rods, a welcome improvement. Haven't cast one yet, but I was sadly surprised when George Anderson, in one of his "shoot-outs" of rod comparisons, mentioned disliking the new LLs.
I owned one of the original two piece LLs. 8 1/2 five weight. My first quality fly rod. Wonderful.
Same! I got it on sale for $220 in the mid1980s.