New Project



Jan 30, 2007
Boy, can I tell I've got time on my hands. I've decided to undertake a project I've been thinking about for some time. I'm tying a series of flies to suggest most of the major eastern mayfly hatches. Each will include, at minimum: nymph, dun and spinner and most will also include a transitional (emerger) pattern.

I will be tying a variety of styles for duns , transitionals and spinners. Some of the series will include a simple and a more complex nymph for the same mayfly.

I've been going through the Fly-Rite dubbing material and matching - and, in some cases, blending - colors to the naturals. I'll be using this material for the vast majority of dun and spinner patterns. For the nymphs and transitional patterns most of the dubbing will be rabbit.

We'll see how it goes. Since I can't fish at least I can tie!!
Sounds really cool. You should provide a materials list next to each fly. I would purchase a set. Also, if you put each set of flys in like a butterfly display box starting with a nymph at the top, below it an emerger, below that a Dun, then last the spinner.
God's way of telling you it's time to write that book. ;-)
I'd buy that book.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
God's way of telling you it's time to write that book. ;-)

A list of simple patterns and documented naturals side by side, with materials list and basic hatch informaiton would be an astounding win, Dave.

You have already completed the bulk of the research. Now its about documenting it. For everything else, they have editors.

Good luck, I'll expect my copy autographed and hand delivered. Just sayin'.

Sounds like a great project! Keep us informed.
osprey wrote:
I'd buy that book.
Me too! Good to see you back osprey.
That would be a great book.
How soon till you are able to fish Dave?
As for a book, I really don't think a publisher would go for that since there are a few out there which would be viewed as similar in concept. It ain't easy to pitch a book idea and I'm not pushy when it comes to pitching ideas. More than likely a publisher would take an idea like this to one of his/her already-published authors and have that person run with it. There are a few more than capable to undertake a book project like this. I don't believe I'd be the go-to person for this. Just trying to be realistic.

I'll keep folks updated on my progress. I've got almost all the patterns completed for Baetis, Blue Quill (early), Quill Gordon, Hendrickson/Red Quill and March Brown so far.

As for my fishing, I don't expect to be able to wade a trout stream until October or November at the earliest. That's why I decided I can't make any more excuses for putting off this tying project.
Take it from someone who don't have to wade to fish , in rehab i fished from a walker , no prosthesis , i don't know what your injuries consist of , i must assume from your reputation that your license were not suspended. Unless you are on a ventilator if you want to go trout fishing i volunteer to take you.
osprey wrote:
Take it from someone who don't have to wade to fish , in rehab i fished from a walker , no prosthesis , i don't know what your injuries consist of , i must assume from your reputation that your license were not suspended. Unless you are on a ventilator if you want to go trout fishing i volunteer to take you.
Dave and I were fishing together and he was catching all the fish so I pushed him down and he broke his leg. Just kidding! I miss fishing with Old Lefty and am more than ready to get him back on the stream. I promise I won't push you down again. Ha!
WTT............did he REALLY break his leg or are you just kidding?
Yes, I shattered the bottom of my tibia and fractured my fibula. Two plates and 18 screws. Then , there was the infection 6 wks out of my surgery. All as a result of slipping on a patch of mud on a flat grassy road.
YOU can't wait till October to fish!!!! How about a nice mellow float trip , i did that when i still only had a stump , i lost my left leg below the knee in a steel mill accident..............but wait a minute.........if u fish you might not write that book..............Never Mind.
osprey wrote:
WTT............did he REALLY break his leg or are you just kidding?
Yes he really did break his leg. We were fishing together at the time. I did'nt push him. I was kidding about that.
Man, really sorry to hear about the accidents you two have had. God's speed on your recovery. You could always post a teaser pic or two of the series you're tying OL Hint hint...
TEASER: # 18 Fur-gilled Paraleptophlebia adoptiva (Blue Quill) nymph


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Looks like a dandy, like it. Thanks, Jack.
I hope this project flies! (no pun intended). I would love to have small boxes with specific flies. Keep us posted I would buy them!
Just a thought:
What about a new pattern in the hatch your working on? Blended caddis,black and yellow etc. With your experienceh you could creat an original.