New One Here



New member
Feb 13, 2007
My name is James and I am new to this site and to flyfishing. I been fishing for around 25 years but I have never tried flyfishing. I am going to give it a shot this year and hope to have some good discussion (on this site) when it comes to flyfishing because I have a ton to learn. Wish me luck this year learning to fly fish.
Welcome a-Board! You might go to the "tips and tricks" forum and browse the threads as well as the "Gear Talk" forum. Both of these have quite a few threads dealing with issues that beginners will encounter. That said, don't hesitate to ask even the most basic questions here. It gives the rest of us something to do, trying to pass on a small bit of knowledge we have gathered along the way. Good luck.

Welcome a board, lots of good people here and plenty of good info.

Flyfishing a great sport and I am sure you will fall in love with it just like the rest of us!

I see you're from Lancaster, Im just down the road in Camp Hill if I can help you, let me know!
Nice to meet you, PaLonestar. I was born and raised in Lancaster, and live in northern Montgomery County now. Here's another web site that has a lot of information for beginning fly fishers.....
But you will get good feedback to any questions you have right here.
Welcome aboard. I believe there are a few people from Lancaster who contribute to the site. There are folks from York county and Harrisburg also, so you should have some people who can give you tips about the area and perhaps meet up.

Check out the For Begginners section of that Fly Anglers Online site. That's a good tip.

Please post your questions! That's the purpose of the forum. :)
As I am also a newbie to fly fishing I asked alot of questions and got some great responses when I joined this site. Everyone has their own way of doing things and from what I have gathered so far.... Just go fish- you'll learn alot from doing it and find out what troubles you have, the guys on here will help with any situation and give you more information than that. Its def alot different than spincasting and theres always more to learn. I prob won't pick up anything except for a flyrod this season and I just started this past summer. I LOVE IT! but anyways... here's the link to my thread when I asked all kinds of starting questions. Might help out
What fly to use is one of the first questions asked by beginning fly fisherman. Attached is a link to a decent article on the PFBC site that should shed some light on that question. Good luck.
welcome to fly fishing james , there`s a lot of experience on this site so ask any questjion, there`s so much info and products out there that it can be over-whelming, so a lil at a time and you will get more comfortable
Hi James,

all the replys u get from this forum will be VERY helpful.
All have experience and knowledge.
Take it in and learn.
My reply to all, just starting out with the Fly Rod and Reel,
This sport is not that hard!

Try not to do TOO and LEARN too much too quick.

Most of all Have Fun

Steve 98
Sorry James a little gliche there

Try not to DO too much.
Learn the basics and K.I.S. KEEP IT SIMPLE

Welcum aboard 'pard. Have no fear. If any of the tenderfoots lead ya down the wrong path, ol' Festus'll get ya squared away.

They's a purty good bunch though. Just keep an eye out for those Orvis boys. They'll gitcha in more trouble than you'll know how to handle. :lol: