New Member...wanted to say hello!



Aug 1, 2013
Hello everyone. Just joined the board and wanted to introduce myself. I just got into fly fishing this year and I have been easily consumed by this sport. Always fished since I was young and I asked the wife and kids for a different "Fathers Day" gift this year (usually its golf) and I am very glad they remembered. Anyway I can't get enough.

I live in Frederick, Md and was raised in Western Pa (Ebensburg) to be exact. My parents recently relocated to Gettysburg to be closer to us and I got my "Pop" into it to. Took about 2 minutes on the Monocacy about a month ago. Needless to say, my 71 yr old father is probably worse off than me. But it's been great to fish every weekend with him.

Have "lurked" on the board for a little bit and have been wanted to come up to south central and see what it has to offer. With the research I have looks great. Been mainly concentrating on "smallies" but open to any suggestions you all may have.

Well that's me. Look forward to getting to know some of you in the future.


Welcome to the board Tony!
Welcome to the Jungle!
Welcome Tony. I'm in your neck of the woods and fish south central PA and Frederick Co MD pretty extensively.
Might see you around Boiling Springs or the Potomac River.
Welcome Tony! Lots of good info on the forum about your home turf.
Ebensberg? HOWDY NEIGHBOR!!!! Have a place in Bedford too , been down 70 through FREDERICk 2 lots.........welcome westywagen!! You'll like it here.
Welcome aboard. GG
New member? Aren't there a lot of these threads too? :cool: Anyhow, welcome aboard the good ship lollipop.
Welcome to the sport buddy. You Will find it very rewarding. I lot of great spring creek fishing in south central PA near Gettysburg!

Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I am amazed at all the great fishing Pa. has to offer. Feel kinda stupid after bait and spin casting all these years, I wish I got into fly a lot sooner. Well better late than never...but I am having a blast.

I "used" to play a lot of golf as a hobby and now, if given the choice, rather be in my waders and on the river. What a wonderful sport.


Tony......i just got the new TU calender for 2014 and there is a quote by SaM Sneed "The only reason i played golf professionally was so i could have enough money to go fishing"