New member, Little Lehigh frustration....



Jun 11, 2012
Hello all,
I'm a new member and would like to say hello. I am relatively new to the sport (maybe 7 yrs or so?) and new to the area (lehigh valley).

I've been to the little lehigh many times and can not figure this stream out. The fishing back home (Indiana, PA) seems a bit different but I feel like its in my head.

I've been skunked to the point where i almost hung the fly pole up for good, but my competitive nature got the best of me, and now I am determined to get the best of this stream.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and if anybody needs a self esteem boost and would like to go fishing...:)

Thank you in advance!!
Welcome to the board. You have definitely come to the right place. I don't personally have much experience with the LL but there are many folks who do. I'm sure you will gain some valuable insight. Good luck, the posts should be coming in!
Hi tyger - Welcome to the forum!

First - Do NOT let this stream get to you. Many, many people think this stream is tough - it's not. In fact, it's one of the easiest you'll ever fish around here.

Second - walk away from the parking areas. The fishing traffic is heaviest nearest the parking areas. The further you get from the parking lots, the better. There's 17+ miles of stream, and the majority of anglers crowd into the lower regs area. Don't be one of "Those guys".

Third - use stealth when approaching the stream. Look for insect activity, and rising fish. This stream has a healthy population of fish, and the majority are wild fish. If you find fish feeding on the surface, you know where they are, and you know they're actively feeding. Advantage YOU.

Fourth - fish early in the morning, or late in the evening. Insect activity, and hence fish activity is heaviest at these times right now. If you fish unshaded water at noon time on a sunny day, you're asking for an azz whuppin'.

Fifth - Fish just below the riffles. The trico hatch is going on right now, and the spinners tend to congregate above the riffles. Same with sulphurs. Tricos in the morning, sulphurs in the evening. If you find shaded areas below riffles, the spinner fall can last a good while. Seek these areas out. There's lots of areas where the stream is out of sight of the walking path. That's where you want to be. Areas with high weeds/grass along the edges are good. Areas where the grass is mowed right up to the water - not so good. People like easy access. Find the tough to reach spots, and you'll find the less pressured fish.

Sixth - Once you've reached prime water detailed above, don't be afraid to throw terrestials along the banks. Beetles, ants, crickets, small hoppers, etc. The less you have to get in the water, the better. Use the brush for cover, and again - be stealthy. Drop a beetle right along the bank, and let it drift downstream. You'd be surprised at the size of fish you'll get into doing this.

Seventh - Forget all the crap you'll hear about 7X, 8X, 9X, etc tippet. You don't need it. 6X is as light as you ever need to go. If you need a better drift, use a longer tippet section. The problem is drag, not that the fish can see your tippet. Using too light of tippet just encourages overplaying of the fish.

Give these tips a shot - the skunk is doomed if you do. ;-)

Heritage-Angler wrote:
Hi tyger - Welcome to the forum!

First - Do NOT let this stream get to you. Many, many people think this stream is tough - it's not. In fact, it's one of the easiest you'll ever fish around here.

Second - walk away from the parking areas. The fishing traffic is heaviest nearest the parking areas. The further you get from the parking lots, the better. There's 17+ miles of stream, and the majority of anglers crowd into the lower regs area. Don't be one of "Those guys".

Third - use stealth when approaching the stream. Look for insect activity, and rising fish. This stream has a healthy population of fish, and the majority are wild fish. If you find fish feeding on the surface, you know where they are, and you know they're actively feeding. Advantage YOU.

Fourth - fish early in the morning, or late in the evening. Insect activity, and hence fish activity is heaviest at these times right now. If you fish unshaded water at noon time on a sunny day, you're asking for an azz whuppin'.

Fifth - Fish just below the riffles. The trico hatch is going on right now, and the spinners tend to congregate above the riffles. Same with sulphurs. Tricos in the morning, sulphurs in the evening. If you find shaded areas below riffles, the spinner fall can last a good while. Seek these areas out. There's lots of areas where the stream is out of sight of the walking path. That's where you want to be. Areas with high weeds/grass along the edges are good. Areas where the grass is mowed right up to the water - not so good. People like easy access. Find the tough to reach spots, and you'll find the less pressured fish.

Sixth - Once you've reached prime water detailed above, don't be afraid to throw terrestials along the banks. Beetles, ants, crickets, small hoppers, etc. The less you have to get in the water, the better. Use the brush for cover, and again - be stealthy. Drop a beetle right along the bank, and let it drift downstream. You'd be surprised at the size of fish you'll get into doing this.

Seventh - Forget all the crap you'll hear about 7X, 8X, 9X, etc tippet. You don't need it. 6X is as light as you ever need to go. If you need a better drift, use a longer tippet section. The problem is drag, not that the fish can see your tippet. Using too light of tippet just encourages overplaying of the fish.

Give these tips a shot - the skunk is doomed if you do. ;-)


Some very good advice! (And not just for the Little Lehigh). :)
What H.A. said.

Not so much as of late, but I used to fish the LL quite frequently. There's some very nice water above the hatchery.
I wish I could give u advice but I could guarantee u it wouldn't help :)

Listen to H.A. .. he is slowly moving up on my list of MVP-oster.

Second - walk away from the parking areas. The fishing traffic is heaviest nearest the parking areas. The further you get from the parking lots, the better. There's 17+ miles of stream, and the majority of anglers crowd into the lower regs area. Don't be one of "Those guys".

From the parking lot would you (or anyone else) recommend going up or down stream?

How far for either?
I have been having some luck downstream of the park area.
What H-A said is spot on. Go in the park and walk about 200 yards down stream. ;)
Stagger_Lee wrote:
.. he is slowly moving up on my list of MVP-oster.

Did you just call me a blender? :lol:

I'm feeling a bit mixed up.

Upstream of the hatchery is good, but you can only go so far before you get to the golf course. Don't trespass on their property - they have no sense of humor.

Downstream is good - head down below the covered bridge, and you'll find plenty of good water. Far below.... ;-)


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Stagger_Lee wrote:

Listen to H.A. .. he is slowly moving up on my list of MVP-oster.

Wait till you meet him... You'll change your mind :-D
Wow that was some write-up! Thanks H-A. Looks like I been lazy in picking spots. The water seems so nice right by the lots, but shame on me.

I'll definately be hittin up the little lehigh this weekend now. Probably below the covered bridge like you folks say. I'm pumped a pre-game Mike Tomlin speech! Thanks again.

Any one wanna go fishing this weekend?
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Upstream of the hatchery is good, but you can only go so far before you get to the golf course. Don't trespass on their property - they have no sense of humor.

True lol.
Listen to H.A. He knows whereof he speaks.

There's another Foxy character that hangs out here and he is sure to chip in with advice. Listen to both of them and others that will offer advice (and abuse) on this forum.

Hey, if they can get me onto fish......

Welcome to the Jungle.

Heritage-Angler wrote:

Did you just call me a blender? :lol:

I'm feeling a bit mixed up.

Upstream of the hatchery is good, but you can only go so far before you get to the golf course. Don't trespass on their property - they have no sense of humor.

Downstream is good - head down below the covered bridge, and you'll find plenty of good water. Far below.... ;-)

Downstream. Listen to the blender. He makes a whirring sound.
Downstream. Listen to the blender. He makes a whirring sound

Lol.......he sounds more like a blender full of 7/64 brass beads set on high! :-D
Really appreciate the OP question and replies. New to fly fishing and new to forum. Hope to get onto LL soon.
Hi FishDoc

Welcome to the Jungle!

Plenty to learn from this forum. Read and heed!

Welcome to both of you.
My mentor said walk till you run out of boot tracks the go another quarter of a mile. Probably unrealistic today.
There is a small chance I can get out tomorrow AM.

Here’s the deal:

My parents (live in Fla) are in NY visiting my sisters. They plan on coming out to me tomorrow but I am not sure what time. Its father’s day and I wanna fish the LL. If they tell me they are out later in the afternoon, I’m in the mood to take the 75 min drive to the LL and fish some of the spots in this thread. If it happens it would be early 7 - 7:30 am-ish

Do not base your decision on me b/ it’s a small possibility, but anyone going to be around tomorrow AM?
Never made it up, did my fathers day fishing locally as timing didn't work out w/ anyone

We should set up a day that a bunch of us can get together up here. It's been almost 2 months since our last foxjam ..

Pete and I made it down on Saturday. I took him for a tour of the FFO section from the upper limit by the hatchery, down to the covered bridge.

Did not succeed in getting him on a trout, but got one myself when showing him the nymphing technique that Fox and HA taught us.

We had a good time, except for when I slipped and smashed my knee on a rock. Next time I decide to wet wade like I was doing Sat, I'll wear an old pair of golf shoes.

It's always fun fishing with my brother and even more interesting as I get him into fly-fishing.

We should plan on a get together somewhere central some weekend. I have a large portable grill I can bring along. We could do a pot luck cook out.


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