New Logo and Headers



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
I would like to send out a very special thanks to Millertime. His wonderful creative design and ideas have helped the website take a very fresh update with the paflyfish logo. Millertime approached me a couple of months ago about looking at some new ides for the site. This has been something I have wanted to do for over a year and jumped at his offer to help.

We both talked about keeping some elements of the old logo and giving it a better fit and finish by a professional hand. He did just that and I really like the surreal fly with the paflyfish words. His patience with me has been very much appreciated.

We are not completely finished with the headers and hope to make them a little more dynamic. I think the old header is more than four years old. With a little luck there may be some continued updates to the website over the next couple of weeks.

Thanks again to Millertime and his creative talents!!


  • newlogo.jpg
    24.1 KB · Views: 10
looks really good, definately a fresh look!
Nice work Dave and Mark! I like the new fresh look.
great work dave and mark!! I like the new look and the new logo. thanks for putting the effort into it!!
do I sense stickers featuring the new logo????!!!! ;-)
I would definately like a window decal, and a shirt with that logo.
I like it! Sure would look nice on a Tshirt or Decal!

Dynamic, eh? Make it configurable by the user. I'd prefer a surreal bugger on the banner when I'm logged in. :lol:

I like it.
I'd gladly put a decal on my new car. Great job Mark. Looks good.
The possibilities are endless:

Jack you are really pushing it now!

Thanks everyone. I am very excited to have a professional touch tot he logo. Like I said looking to make the header more dynamic and even change the picture with a much greater frequency. Here are a few samples below.

Can't say enough great things about Mark and his help.

Yes now that the logo is finished I will look into some options for bumper stickers, hats and shirts. Some feedback on what you like is good. Not saying I can match it actually, but I will try.


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  • paflyfishheader5.jpg
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With all the post Jack makes, just think of all the times, in a day we would have to look at that mug ;-)

I like the second picture Dave... the one that was on the cover of the calendar.
take the logo, add .com and sell me some stickers :D
I agree... if it's going to be a sticker or t-shirt, etc it should have the full web address on it somewhere. The way it is right now you can't tell it's a website.
Dave and Millertime,

Really nice work.
nice logo! my buddy runs a print shop! we should print some!