New Guy From Ohio



Sep 12, 2015
Hi everyone! Excited to be here. I have been fly fishing for steelhead and WW fish over here in my home state for about the last 10 years or so.

Recently on a hike I discovered a wild Brook trout stream, which got me researching and has led me to really appreciate wild trout. Now in Ohio we don't have much/any of those, and I don't feel comfortable fishing the ones we do have, due to the delicate nature of the Brookies and the few streams they remain in. As such, I plan on spending a lot of time over the upcoming years in PA waters. I haven't done much fishing in PA but make it out a few times a year for steelhead.

Steelhead fly fishing as I am sure many of you know seems to be very different than small stream wild trout fly fishing. And although I certainly have the basics down, I could certainly use some help not only locating water as close to home as possible (so western PA, I am near Cleveland, about 2 hours northwest of Pittsburgh), but also which flies to use where and when. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I did download the Class A streams to my Google Earth, but would prefer to fish water that isn't over fished of course. Maybe someone could let me know the top staple 10 flies/patterns to have and what sizes. Seems a lot more complicated than chucking a big streamer or a stonefly nymph to some hungry steelies or smallies.

I have a 9 wt setup that I use for steelhead, a 5 wt I use for most everything WW, and yesterday I picked up my first "smaller" water setup, a 4wt 7' Orvis clearwater, with a Lamson Velocity that I got a killer deal on at the local fly shop. I loaded it with SA Mastery Series Textured Trout. Wasn't sure on the line, but this came highly recommended. Any opinions and advice on this setup?

Thanks for reading, looking forward to getting to know everyone here.
Hi Trey and welcome to the forum. Being from SE PA I can't offer any advice but I'm sure someone will have answers for you shortly.
Hi Trey,
Since you've been fly fishing for over a decade, I will move this thread to the General forum as the Beginner's forum is for newbies asking basic introductory questions about FFing.

Anyway, glad to have you and welcome to our online community.
Dave W
Thanks Dave, my apologies, I figured since I am a beginner to native and stream trout FFing that this was the right spot!
Trey wrote:
Thanks Dave, my apologies, I figured since I am a beginner to native and stream trout FFing that this was the right spot!

No apology required. That makes sense.
Purchase a pa Fishing license (you will have to purchase a new license at the end of this year) and check out the approved trout waters and the wild trout streams listed by county on the
That should help you out finding trout in Western PA.
Welcome Trey.

GenCon, Thanks for the Welcome!

CRB, I have my Pa license, my trout stamp, and Lake Erie Stamp. I get it for Steelhead, now I just get to use it more. I also downloaded all of the Class A streams, B segments, and a few other things to my Google Earth. Headed out Yesterday, just made a quick post about it entitled, "Where were the Browns."
Welcome aboard. Gg
Welcome, you have some awesome home water for steel!!
Thanks for the welcome guys! Can't wait for those chromers to start really coming in! Pa has some great water too! Good enough that I buy a license to fish it lol.
Might try to get out next weekend, I heard they're catching a few over there in Ohio already? I fishing mostly NY butim going to try to fish Ohio a little more this year instead of PA
I would wait until we get some rain, we got a small push of fish with that last front that came through, but mostly in the smaller creeks out east, closer to PA lol. Forecast doesn't look good, all sun and no rain for the next week or so at least.

Soon enough..
Yeah I know, I figured the last rain would push fish into shore, I'm going for bigger water in NY to start the year off