New feature?



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg

I recently submitted a post that I had been working on for a while and found that my log-in had expired. This has historically been a very frustrating experience because in the past we would lose all the work that went into the post. This time my text was saved on the message screen that told me my log-in had expired, and I was able to copy and paste it into a new post.

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!

Maybe this has been around a while and I just noticed it, but it is really nice to not lose that work.

:-D :-D :-D :-D
Wish I could say I did something, but I have not made any changes on the site. Glad it is working better. I will keep not making changes. :)
When I type my posts, I highlight all the text and copy it before submitting. That way if it goes into some black hole when I submit it, I don't lose it, I just paste it on a new screen to post. Sometimes, if I'm writing "War & Peace", I compose it on a Word Doc and paste it so I won't lose my writing
afishinado wrote:
When I type my posts, highlight all the text and copy it before submitting. That way if it goes into some black hole when I submit it, I don't lose it, I just paste it on a new screen to post. Sometimes, if I'm writing "War & Peace", I compose it on a Word Doc and paste it so I won't lose my writing

Sometimes I do this too, esp when the "box starts bouncing" and it becomes difficult to see what you're typing.
The bouncing box is like when the judge looks at his watch during your closing argument. It's time to wrap it up.
I follow the same practices as Tom. I never seem to be able to stay focused on one thing very long.
I don't know if it's possible... but it would be nice to have a box to check to keep you logged in for lets say 24 hours. Every time I walk away from my computer I have to log back in. Just a bit of the convenience factor.
ryguyfi wrote:
I don't know if it's possible... but it would be nice to have a box to check to keep you logged in for lets say 24 hours. Every time I walk away from my computer I have to log back in. Just a bit of the convenience factor.

I definitely would like this too.
I use firefox as a browser now and my log in is there when I get to the home page all I do is hit login. One click and done.
Used to keep on logged in for a day or longer, then it went to what seems to be 30 minutes. The reason was server load*.

Now, we seem to be at this weird shifting thing, where I'll stay logged in all night long from like 12am to 5am, but during the day, at work, it'll log me out in 20 minutes. Its very disconcerting, mostly because its during the work day when I should be paying attention to real stuff and I'm here that the dreaded mid-post-timeout happens.

I've been known to cmd-a copy everything if in doubt.

* - Really? Look, I just adminned the machines, I never did the website programming, but the amount of time it stores a cookie has an effect on the server load? We're not talking about an httpd timeout session here (keeping excess spare processes does churn resources), but the amount of time the cookie remains valid in the user's system? This always confused me, but as I said, I didn't run sites, I ran machines.
God that was a lot of nerd talk there Jerry.

Maurice, I use firefox as well and know what you are talking about as far as ease of log in, however these guys are talking about when they are already logged in, are writing a dissertation, hit submit and the screen pops up saying they timed out, thus having to re-log back in. Have you guys tried hitting the back button in firefox to find your text still there?

I just tried it an it works. I wrote above text. Went up and logged myself out. Got the log out screen. Hit the back button and I was logged out but the above valuable text was still there.



Btw, I always thought Frink said "Clavin" because Cliff was a know it all. But whatever.