New development / good news for the Lehigh River



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
From The LCFA FB page >

Lehigh Coldwater Fishery Alliance
2 hrs ·
NEWS FLASH =============================

On Sept 30th 2019 the Delaware River Joint Basin Commission (DRBC) has agreed to provide $1.5 million in non-federal funding to match the $1.5 million in federal dollars to proceed with the F.E.W. Dam and reservoir feasibility study. This is a major milestone in the next step to potential improvements, which could result in a world-class tailwater fishery on the Lehigh River below F.E.W. At this time the scope of the study is still being determined, however the LCFA and other organizational stakeholders in the river such as the whitewater industry, PA Fish and Boat Commission, and Trout Unlimited have been engaged. Recently a meeting was held with the leadership of the Army Corps of Engineers with the various river stakeholders. Details, outcome and next steps will be shared soon.

Exciting times ahead!

Link to source: =68.ARDTnXnqgTvnLonPYz7gxn4H7DbdleSCEsaBUj-6U66VpYXxHFHK1i4W_Wl3lDTbbaYwwOoRphZp8sP6sdAXA7x7pwVs-cU11Npgr6REzo9lSHNa1MshXL0aOuJ5T_d7hMF240K4ZjlxoXaWm3yS3MQg8HV9L21j6R-2kMBxjwyxG5YeeyidPQBtenIBWs0aIdhOwRtb8g-VcfWfZVA3acgP-ddCfK9bX4uJsCL9G8lKBFmDLBMd-avYqo-GWWHAIbwvwtlb6X4-KKBQ028uhnSqi1ezxwl4MTVdEHyZjtAbKHeIBjOEhHzaDWIdVDoOkNTXIzigwAoA-oQ_g7KpF_liahfMbpSp9RvjTKR357QJG5UtQHVSjSSd&__tn__=k*F&tn-str=k*F]LCFA FB Page
What do you think DRBC’s primary interest is in this to the extent that it is willing to put up $1.5 mil.? Also noted that it is non-fed money.
Interested to hear Smikes take on this
Mike wrote:
What do you think DRBC’s primary interest is in this to the extent that it is willing to put up $1.5 mil.? Also noted that it is non-fed money.

I would assume the possible economic benefits from increased recreational activity in the area.
I can only imagine how good it could be with the beauty of the gorge. I hope I live to see it.
What do you think DRBC’s primary interest is in this to the extent that it is willing to put up $1.5 mil.? Also noted that it is non-fed money.

Water storage within the watershed. Mostly for assistance with saltline in Trenton/Philly.
I suspected that it was potable water supply related. That is more logical, especially when speaking about $1.5 million. For clarification purposes, not for criticism, the problem regarding the salt line is to keep it pushed down below the mouth of the Schuylkill., which then protects NJ aquifers and and a Phila surface water intake at Torresdale in NE Phila. Trenton is well upstream from there and not involved.
What do you mean by "the demand on the 2 by dams is growing"?

Just trying to understand because they do not generate electricity (at least currently).
They need to make use of the hudson river that is right there and leave the delaware alone
What do you mean by "the demand on the 2 by dams is growing"?

If I'm not mistaken, there's a turbine generation in the portal from Pepacton to the portal. For whatever reason, they are going to proceed with wasting money on installing hydro generator on the WB. It would be 75 years before they ever broke even with that project but it's a 'feel good' / 'green' thing that's making everyone all warm inside.

Mike wrote:
What do you think DRBC’s primary interest is in this to the extent that it is willing to put up $1.5 mil.? Also noted that it is non-fed money

Why would they drop that kind of money? Possible for increased revenue by improvement to the fishery. Personally, I see the control going to DRBC as motivated by something else.... If they control the release from FE Walter.... and use it to control the salt line....less water can be released from NY reservoirs. Good for the Lehigh? Most likely. Could it hurt the upper D? Very possible. NYC wanting their water and greed is what I see as their motivation.
krayfish2 wrote:
It would be 75 years before they ever broke even with that project

No Tom. It's the fact that the gubment is spending like a freshman at college with daddy's credit card. They don't even try to 'live within their means'. That's my taxes being tossed away to make a tree hugger feel better.

So, my yinzer friend, you are way off base...yet again
krayfish2 wrote:

So, my yinzer friend, you are way off base...yet again


Look man, I get that you're worried about the Delaware. I get that that's your baby. Insulting everyone who disagrees with you and holds you to you own statements isn't "off base". I've lived out west and here in Pa. my electric bill in Idaho was 7.50 in the summer ans 40 bucks in winter with electric heat because of hydro. And I readily fished below both system providers. So its about money for everyone. what if it does take 75 years to recoup that investment? I guess we could burn coal and pollute the air and the water that way.

I mean, we're all for protecting the environment as long as someone else pays for it, right?
For a moment, I thought you had a malfunctioning keyboard with all of those caps but I think that something in my initial post triggered you. I hope that I'm using non-inflammatory words and proper pronouns. With any luck, you've got a safe space near.

Look man, I get that you're worried about the Delaware. I get that that's your baby.
Didn't even know that I had expressed worry but I guess you can interpret it however you'd like to. Nah, it's not my baby but I have spent a lot of time there over the last 30 years. Arguably the biggest and best wild trout fishery in the east. Lots of fond memories for sure.

Insulting everyone who disagrees with you and holds you to you own statements isn't "off base".
I'm very sorry if what I have written touched a nerve and you saw it as an insult. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to go through life perceiving that every person that has a differing opinion as insulting or attacking you.

I've lived out west and here in Pa. my electric bill in Idaho was 7.50 in the summer ans 40 bucks in winter with electric heat because of hydro.
Idaho is a beautiful place for sure.

whatever if it does take 75 years to recoup that investment?
You can actually validate that as a good investment or smart use of taxpayer dollars? Why don't you just pitch 2 fat guys on a tandem bike that is hooked to a generator as a valid energy replacement option?

I mean, we're all for protecting the environment as long as someone else pays for it, right?
If protection of the environment is priority, wouldn't you advocate for the removal of the dams as the starting point? They are there for flood control or drinking water so that idea won't fly. Protection of the man made fishery that has resulted from the dam construction? Sure as long as it doesn't negate the purpose of the dam in the first place.

I addressed questions posed in prior posts but you've somehow managed to twist it into a different topic. Please try to stay on topic or start a new thread to discuss the topic you'd like to discuss. Over the last 10-15 years, you've taken the opposing position on many threads. Posting an informative, less argumentative or helpful post might not be a bad change of pace for you. Give it a try. You might like it ????
You are correct about the generation at the pepacton portal.

I live within .5 miles of the largest hydroelectric plant in the east and they dont provide my power so dont automatically think that living near hydroelectric power automatically means cheap electricity. That plant does provide power to NYC which is 400 miles away.

Hydroelectric power at cannonsville is a joke it wouldnt exist without massive subsidies, just like windmills wouldnt exist without subsidies, just like solar roofs wouldnt exists without subsidies, just like tesla wouldnt exist without subsidies (even with the massive advantage of non union labor). I could keep going but I wont.
Where is the biggest hydroelectric plant in the east US? Niagra river?
While I'm all in for more clean energy, I'm in agreement, if the hydro plant at Cannonsville is built, it is just a feel-good thing to show how green NYC is :roll:

The plant will provide so little electricity and cost so much it is obviously just for show. Spend those dollars in such a way that will make a real positive impact on the environment in and along the rivers and watershed in the lower Catskills.

My understanding is that NYC has remained consistent with their water needs many years now. In fact, I believe FUDR has documented NYC doesn't need the amount of water that is allocated to them. If that's the case, more water in FEW would mean more water for the trout in the Upper D.

With climate change and rising sea levels, DRBC is looking for other sources of water supply in the watershed. Rising sea levels will require more water to push back the salt line. I believe this is the biggest motivation to use FEW.