New Carp Pattern



Jun 17, 2009
Hey all,

If any of you are carp fanatics, this pattern has worked well and is an easy one to tie. Good luck and tight lines!

I have yet to catch a carp on the fly. It is on my to do list this year. I've got a few spots I'm searching out for smallies and carp this year.

(that has got to be one of the slowest tying video's I've ever seen. It takes him over 4 minutes to just attach the eyes and lead...)
RY... I had to laugh because the guy in the video is me and yes... I am pokey! It was the first video I ever shot so I was pretty nervous trying to narrate and tie all at the same time.
hahaha oops lol. It may have partly been that I watch all videos without any sound because I'm usually at work. I'm anxious to try a few carp patterns this year and try a bit more brownlining.
Nice first video....and a good size for a newbie like me to try...thanks!
fwiw, my solution to many lethargic (not saying that is the case here) tying videos is to download them (Downloadhelper on Firefox is useful for this) and watch on VLC media player at 1X fast or faster. The audio is still usually understandable, sometimes more so, though obviously a higher pitched voice can add a comic aspect to it--sometimes a positive in it's own right.
JayL, Thanks... I got a big eye roll from the wife on that one.
next up, the much preferred waxed special...

nice tie and commentary
Those Chartiers Crik Goldens won't know what hit them.

Anything else interesting coming out of the crik lately?

The carp turned over the last week or so but the weather has been spotty as hell with the rain mudding it out pretty badly. Got into a few nice smallies, several good crappie, and a drum last week as well. Ironic you should pose the question. I have not seen a single sauger or cat at all which I thought was a bit strange. Not sure of catfish spawning habits but I typically pick up a few here and there just nymphing when the site fishing is crap. That has been about it from my end but the "Carpus Spookus" has been my primary target. :)
Thanks for the update PFG, I think I am going to head down into the dirty dirty in the next couple days. I'll let you know how it goes. Great website BTW.

Thanks! BTW, smallies were out in force the last two days! Go get em.