New Cabela's Rod



Active member
Oct 25, 2008
York County Pa
After several years of hard use including two guide repairs and many nicks my go to rod, a 7' 9" 4 wt Tfo finesse rod broke at the tip. Seeing as I was left only with two specialty rods for small streams one a 7' 3" 2 wt the other a 7' 5 wt, and a 7 weight bass rod, I figured I better replace my larger trout rod.

I took the annual pilgrammage to Cabela's with my daughter and I browsed among the fly rods shaking many rods anywhere from less than 6 ft. On up to over 10 ft. In length. I finally decided to put my faith in Cabela's and went with their own Three Forks line. For $60 bucks the 8' 6" 5 weight 4 piece looked and felt good. Maybe a little wobbly and slow but I don't mind a slower action. The important thing is the rod fills the gap between my 2 and my 7 weight and has the length I need for it to be an all "purpulous" rod. Not too small for some bass fishing not too heavy for most trout.

Other than the rod I had to pick up a slick aluminum fly box with the individually spring action lids, some black marabou, black saddle hackle, hooks thread and various sized beads and lead eyes, oh and don't forget a new hat and a grand tour.

I managed to escape without blowing my entire wad on other things such as a new riflescope and two books that caught my eye.
I was so close to leaving there with a fiberglass 3 weight, but then I realized that would also involve another reel purchase and more fly line another rod case etc.

I don't mind shopping at Cabela's once every year or two but man what a circus in there.
Congrats on the new Rod.

Yea, going to Cabela's on a weekend day is interesting to say the least.
sounds like you did good Jake! glad to see you back and posting!
I went to Cabelas today to look at some reels and see how they felt on my 10'6 echo 3wt. I plan on purchasing at a local shop, and was able to get out of there with only purchasing some tippet and a Columbia flannel. Would have got out of there with only the tippet if the wife was not along and insisted I purchase the shirt. The Port Clinton Hotel on the other hand ate a hole in my wallet.
TFO has a good warranty. I think it's $25 to repair or replace.

I never bothered with the warranty card for mine, and had it replaced twice. No questions asked.
I think I ll have to check into that. I wonder if they raise an eyebrow at my two previous guide repairs I made on the rod before the tip broke.....or my choice of brown guide wraps over the original green wraps. Hmmm.
Jake, good job on getting out of Cabelas without spending too much $$$. Sometimes when I go there, say to pick up some fly tying stuff, I'll try real hard NOT to wander through the other departments. That's where it gets dangerous;-)

Can't comment of the Three Forks line, but I recently procured a rod from bikerfish that he built using their Stowaway blank. It's action is slower than most of my other rods, but man does it cast nice. May become my new number 1 (knocking out a 7'9" 3wt, btw).

Let us know how you like it after you give it a workout.

peace-tony c.
Jake - I own that same rod, only the 2 piece model. I'm very happy with it, and definitely a good value buy. Quality components for the price, and IMO the rod has a consistent feel under different loads and a good look to it. I'd agree it's probably on the moderate side of moderate/fast. It's my primary WW and large trout stream rod, and serves as an adequate backup for limestone finesse work.

Both Jake and Becker - Nice job on limiting the damage at Cabelas. I was there last weekend...picked up some floatant and a couple Flying Ants - I like their pattern for those. They had their Columbia Omnitech jackets marked down to $125 wife's POS North Face was falling apart after just 3 Winters, so we picked up one of those...what can ya do? Columbia makes nice stuff though.
Well...they got me too. I went in looking for an Echo or a Ross that were on sale on the web site. I wanted something with a faster action and ended up with a Cabelas TLR rod. It's a 9 foot 5 wt four piece rod. They were on sale with a tube for $109. It's seems like an nice all around rod.
Jake I own that rod in multiple sizes. Just did a review of it on my blog if you want my full opinion on the rod. I did have problems with multiple reel seats coming undone, just put some quality epoxy on them and havent had issues since. I love them!!!!!
I have the same rod in the 8'6" 5wt for an all purpose, but had the same issue with the seat on occasion. I also just used a little epoxy and all is good now. I've had this rod for about 2 years and have to say that it's good for just about any stream around me, with the exception of Clark's Creek. I have a 7'6" 4wt for that one....